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I’d been fighting through the heavy fog for what seemed like hours. Over and over, I stumbled and fell. Nothing made sense. I would come across people, but they seemed to stare through me no matter how much I begged them to look at me.

Because there was very little light and no landmarks, I had no idea if I was going in circles, but I came across the same older woman time and time again. Her mouth would move, but no sound would ever come out.

I’d screamed for Ogun repeatedly until I was hoarse.

It wasn’t until I begged for him as Voodoo that the fog began to thin. Through the wisps, I saw his tall, imposing, and beautiful form emerging. My heart racing, I ran.

When I slammed into his broad chest and his arms wrapped around me, I cried tears of joy. He looked down at me and his mouth curled into a beautiful smile. Relief poured through me as I reached up to press my lips to his—except right as they brushed his, he faded into smoke and was gone.

Spinning around, I screamed for him. When I realized he was truly gone, I dropped to my knees, sobbing. It was then that I realized there was something in my hand, but I didn’t remember him giving anything to me.

Slowly, I unfolded my fingers to find a velvety-soft red flannel pouch.

The next thing I remembered was fighting to open my eyes. My lids were so weighted that it was a struggle, but finally, I blinked weakly. Everything in me ached. Trying to move proved impossible. I was as weak as a newborn.

With each breath I took, it seemed I inhaled more life. Sensing movement, I lifted my head from the pillow. Standing in the corner, watching me intently, was Ghost.

“Ghost?” Confused, I questioned him. He gave me a half smile, then I swear to fucking Christ, he disappeared before my eyes. “What the—”

Then I realized Ogun was asleep next to me. Well, he was sitting in a chair that looked uncomfortable as hell, his dark head resting next to my hand. When I made a move to reach for him, my hand slowly opened, and the red pouch from my dream was in it.

My brow furrowed as I stared at it in confusion.

Passing it to my other hand, I squeezed it tight and sifted my free hand through his dark, messy hair. My thumb traced over the arch of his bold brow. Slowly, his eyes opened, and the startling blue took my breath away.

It seemed an eternity, but I knew it was mere heartbeats that we sat with gazes locked before he bolted upright.

“Kira,” he rasped in a sleep-scratchy tone. His expression eager, he tenderly kissed the inside of my wrist. “How are you feeling?”

“Confused. Tired. Weak.” Glancing around, I furrowed my forehead. “Where are we? What happened? And what is this?” I held up the small red pouch.

“Fuck, baby. So much.” Carefully, he scooted me over in the bed and crawled in with me. Then he tucked me into his warmth, and everything was perfect. A sigh of satisfaction slipped from my soul. “That is agris grisI made for you. Keep it with you always, okay?”

“Why? What’s in it?” Holding it up, I felt several small objects inside it.

“Little bits of things that have energy or protective properties that I read for you” was his vague answer. Then he kissed me so softly, it was a mere feather of a touch, yet it still made me forget where my head had been.

I think I dozed again, but I had no idea for how long. When I woke, I was tightly entwined with Ogun, and his thick, strong arm held me protectively as he lightly snored. A smile curled my lips as I burrowed deeper into his embrace.

“You awake?” he murmured against the top of my head.

“Yeah, but I had the weirdest dream earlier,” I whispered. His chest rumbled under me as he chuckled, then his hands gently framed my face and lifted my head. His eyes searched mine, then he met me halfway and our lips brushed.

Flames licked at the edges of my sanity. Crawling up his massive body, I leaned over him and allowed my hair to curtain us. Desire rippled through my veins, and I couldn’t get enough of him.

Reluctantly, he broke free and lifted me back. Our gasping breaths still mingled, and I arched into him with a moan.

“Easy, I don’t want you to overdo things.”

“I don’t know what you mean,” I said as I tried to get back to his kisses. Again, he chuckled.

“My little wild one,” he said with a soft half smile.

“I love you, Ogun,” I blurted out, unable to hold it in anymore. It was as though if I didn’t get it out that very second, I may never have the chance to say it again.

His chest lifted as he sucked in a breath, then it deflated quickly. “Fuck, babe. I love you too. Probably have from the first second I laid eyes on you.”
