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By the time we’d made it back to Ankeny, it had been early afternoon. Then we’d had Kira to take care of. The plan had been to deal with Kira’s father, brother, and Ivan that night, but Venom decided it wouldn’t hurt to let them stew in their own piss and shit for a day. Literally.

I’d taken advantage of the unexpected free night to fuck Kira six ways from Sunday. We had dozed in between, but for most of the night and day after we’d returned, I’d been buried balls deep in her.

The decision to tell her what had happened hadn’t been made lightly. I’d debated heavily. In the end, the fact that I loved her, she was mine, and I wasn’t letting her go pretty much sealed the deal. If she was going to be around, she was going to find out a lot of things eventually.

She’d taken it better than I’d thought, but I still didn’t think she believed half of it.

After a particularly intense fuck session, I’d left her sleeping to get dressed. She was worn the fuck out.

“I’ll be back in a bit,” I said softly as I kissed her naked shoulder. The sheet rode low, exposing the sexy curve of her lower back and her bared shoulders as she lay on her stomach in my bed. With her hair swept to the side and my brand showing on her neck, a mixture of lust, pride, and caveman-like possession rushed through me. My next kiss was on the center of her ink.

“Mmm. Promise?” she murmured sleepily. One hazel eye peeked up at me as the corner of her lips lifted. It sent a flutter through my chest and ended with me having to adjust my junk.

She lifted her head when she saw I was fully dressed. Suddenly wide awake, she furrowed her brow. “Where are you going?”

Raised up like she was, the tops of her perfect tits were calling to me. It happened every time. Kira was a distraction that more often than not had me wanting to throw everything by the wayside and climb in bed with her forever. It was a foreign concept for me. Before her, I’d never been romantic, emotional, or ruled by my dick.

“Club business to deal with” was my vague answer, but I saw the wheels turning and could damn near visualize her putting everything together. “I gotta go.”

“Wait! I want to go with you!” She jumped up and started pulling clothes on. She’d hooked her bra backwards the way women did and spun it around to flip it over her tits before I could open my mouth.

“Kira. No. I need you to wait here,” I insisted. She paused, and I kissed her. Then I took advantage of her half-naked state—that I really wanted to explore further—and left the room in a hurry.

Chains, Ghost, and Angel were waiting for me out in the common area. “Everyone already there?” Ghost nodded. There was a prospect at the bar, and I called out to him. “Prospect! No one goes in and out but a patched member. You feel me?”

“Got it,” he replied with a firm nod. Then he continued stocking the bar in preparation for tomorrow night’s party. After the week we’d had, everyone needed to blow off some steam. There would be an official church, then the party would start.

“Let’s roll,” I said to my brothers. They followed behind me. As the senior enforcer, I’d temporarily been promoted to SAA. It churned my gut that I’d stepped up into the position because Shank had died, but it was the way of our world.

We stepped out into the dark night, and the sound of crickets echoed into the night. Instead of getting on our bikes and riding down the road, we’d decided to take the path. At the back of the clubhouse property was a place where the lilac bushes could be pushed to the side, and it opened to a path that ran between the fields and went over to the hog farm.

It was maybe a mile or two walk, but it was less conspicuous than a bunch of bikes riding up into the hog farm at that time of night. We walked in a single file line through the break in the crops. No one said a word.

The glow around the buildings was our beacon as we trudged over. Once we got there, I broke off and went into my sanctuary.

After a brief prayer, I prepared what I needed and placed it in a softly worn leather satchel. Meticulously, I painted my face in white and black. When I was satisfied with my work, I gathered my things and stepped outside.

The walk from my shed to where I met everyone in the old slaughterhouse was short, but I paused when I thought I heard something. A scan of the area showed no movement in the dark shadows created by the full moon. Satisfied, I continued on.

“Voodoo, something’s not right,” Ghost said as he appeared next to me. That time, I’d sensed his presence, so the fucker didn’t get the better of me. Pausing with the door opened partially, I met his gaze.

“You heard it too?” I was referring to the sound I’d heard. He shook his head. “Then what?”

“I’m not sure. Lots of whispers that I can’t make out. Something has stirred up the spirits. I don’t fucking like it.” The hogs in the nearest building were also restless. Usually by this time of night they were bedded down and sleeping.

“Anyone else sense anything?” I asked as I took another sweep of the landscape.


“Maybe it’s just the moon,” I offered. He shrugged. “Stay alert. Let’s go in. I’m anxious to get started.”

Together, we slipped in the door and entered the old building. We followed the entry hall, and around the corner everyone was gathered around the three men we had hanging from the meat hooks by chains. Their arms were stretched above their heads, and their toes barely touched the floor. They’d been stripped naked.

Squirrel had rigged up an ingenious contraption that made me chuckle inside. Each of the three men had the end of a big fat dildo shoved up their asses. The dildos were attached to a frame that was attached to the floor, utilizing the eye-bolts we chained people to on the ground. If they pulled back at all, it would shove it farther up their butts.

If they were into that and it didn’t bother them, then Phoenix was ready to deal with them.

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