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Little did I know that Kira was so perfect for me the first day I’d walked into the vet clinic all those months ago. The club certainly didn’t consist of saints, but we liked to think we worked for the greater good. The fact that she didn’t freak out when she found out what we were capable of was a relief.

“Baby, we need to shower,” I said to her as I looked down at her beautiful body covered in black and white smears. Trying to keep from laughing, I twisted my lips to the side. Cat-like, she stretched in the bed, and I trailed my fingertips along her curves. I’d never met a more beautiful woman inside and out. The fact that she had a little dirty in her was a bonus.

“Mmm, I say we just stay naked and dirty until morning,” she murmured sleepily before she rolled to her stomach.

Unable to resist, I leaned over and bit her ass. Not hard enough to hurt, but enough that she certainly felt it. When she purred and raised her ass, I gave her a sharp swat that echoed in the room.

“Hey!” she exclaimed as she rose up to her elbows and looked over her shoulder at me.

“What?” I asked, daring her to tell me she didn’t like it.

“Don’t tease,” she said with a sexy grin. Then she laid her head back down but continued to watch me impishly.

“Hell, woman. You’re insatiable,” I teased. Her beautifully kiss-swollen lips curled.

Needing to see my brand on her, I pushed her heavy hair to the side. My tongue traced the lines of the ink on her neck. Then I nipped her shoulder and grinned at the goose bumps that broke out across her back and down her arms.

“Get up, or I’m throwing you over my shoulder and bringing you in there my damn self. I want to go home to my bed. It’s more comfortable than this one.” One last swat, and I stood up. My dick might have been drained, but it still gave a half-hearted thump at the sight of her in my bed.

With a grin, I went into the bathroom.

Getting a look at myself in the mirror had laughter bursting from me. My face paint resembled a melted mime, and there were smeared handprints all over me. “Jesus,” I muttered as I soaped up my hands and scrubbed my face. The water ran black for a moment before it was mostly clear.

“Last chance!” I called out as I cranked on the shower.

“I’m here,” she said in a seductively husky voice. Again, I tried not to laugh at her. Instead, I gently pulled her into the bathroom to stand in front of the mirror. When she caught a glimpse of herself, she busted a gut laughing.

“Oh sweet Jesus, no wonder you said we needed a shower. I knew we were a mess, but I didn’t realize it was that bad.” There was almost a perfect impression of my face in black, smeared gray, and white on her stomach. From the look in her eye, she remembered exactly when it had happened too.

We’d already gone one sweaty but quick round. I’d pressed a kiss to her abdomen and rested my tired face against her skin. Things had heated up quickly from there, and our fatigue was forgotten.

“Get in,” I rumbled as I swatted her perfect ass again. She now had my handprints on both sides of her ass. It had me wanting to bend her over the sink before we showered, but she’d stepped into the steaming water.

Though it was crowded in the small shower, we managed to get clean. Once we were dried and dressed, we stopped by Venom’s room. I had Kira wait off to the side, because one never knew what they might see at one of the brothers’ doors.

After I knocked, it was a moment before he answered. Like the rest of the brothers, my president had no shame as he stood there buck-ass naked. Behind him, I saw one of the club whores in his bed. Reya stared me in the eye as she fingered herself, and I quickly averted my gaze. No way was I getting pulled into that shit storm. She was half-crazy, and if Kira caught a glimpse of that hot mess, I’d never hear the end of it.

“We’re heading back to my place.”

“You sure that’s a good idea? We still don’t know if Gambler is out there. You know as well as I do that it’s likely he is.”

“We’ll be okay. I’ll text you when we get there safe.” I waved my phone in the air in front of him before shoving it in my back pocket. As usual, I was packing pretty heavy, so I wasn’t too worried.

He didn’t look happy, but he nodded. Then he ordered, “You text as soon as you get there.”

“Roger that,” I replied with a chin lift. “Let’s go, babe,” I told her as I grabbed her soft hand in mine. I led her out of the clubhouse and to the bikes. The moon was high in the sky, and the crickets were chirping away. Everyone else had either crashed or was buried in wet, willing pussy for the night.

“Can we get Sasha in the morning?” she asked as she buckled the helmet strap.

“If Veronica says she’s ready, then yeah.”

Rolling her eyes, she huffed. “I’m a vet. Remember? I think I’m qualified to take care of my dog,” she replied in a salty tone complete with a smirk.

“Actually, I was more thinking of if it was okay to transport her, not whether you’d be able to handle her.” She appeared chagrined as she blinked at me from inside the helmet. Though it was fairly warm, I pulled my leather jacket out of my saddlebag and slipped it over her shoulders. She put her arms in and laughed at how big it was on her.

“Shush. It’s better than you getting skinned if something happened. Dress for the slide, not the ride,” I said with a slight smile.
