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Five months later…

My hand slid over the baby bump that Kira carried with her typical sexy aplomb. It was hot as Hades, yet she still managed to look beautiful. Hair twisted up in a bun, she pulled off pregnant elegance like no one’s business.

She’d also stayed active, busy, and refused to let me coddle her, much to my disappointment. She was carrying my baby, and I worried about her. It was my right, in my opinion. The one thing she did do for me was stop working so many hours. She no longer worked Saturdays at the clinic, and they’d hired another vet to help out.

“What’s up with Angel?” she asked as she glanced in his direction. He was pacing as he spoke on the phone and making wild gestures.

“I only know a little of it, and it’s not my story to tell. He’ll be okay.” I hoped I was right.

“I hope so.” Kira’s words mirrored my own worry. She chewed on her lip as she watched Angel pull at his hair. Then she sighed, turned to me, and looped her hands around the back of my neck. Her hard belly pressed against me, preventing her from getting too close. “Are you ready to head to the airport?”

“Only if my fiancée will give me a kiss first.” Those beautiful lips of hers curled, and her hazel eyes twinkled before she stood on her toes and kissed me.

She tasted divine, and I was one second away from carrying her off to my room in the clubhouse to ravage her pregnant body. Because pregnant sex was the fucking bomb. No, we hadn’t been planning a baby, but with all the shit that went down with her father, then my father, she’d missed a few pills.

Ask me if I cared.

“We have to go,” she said against my lips as she broke the kiss.

“I thought you two had to get to the airport?” Chains asked as he walked in the door behind us. “Now, if you want to put on a show for me, I’m all about watching.”

Kira’s face flamed as he chuckled under his breath. Between the three of us, we all knew it was a secret little reminder that Kira had been transfixed by him getting sucked off all those months ago. That had led to hot monkey sex in my room and the beginning of the end, so to speak.

A door opened, and nails clicked on the concrete floor before Zaka and Sasha burst out of the back hall. A frazzled prospect came running after them. “I’m so sorry! I think they sensed that you hadn’t left yet, because they opened the damn door!”

We both laughed as we gave them love. “I’ll help him,” said Venom as he clasped both dogs’ collars. “But get out of here before you miss your plane.”

After saying our goodbyes again, we headed down the road.

“By this time tomorrow we’ll be in New Orleans!” Kira said with excitement. She’d been over the moon when my grandmother insisted we visit.

“You know my grandmother is going to insist we stay with her, right?” I asked as I took a second to glance in her direction.

“Are there alligators out there?” she asked with wide eyes and a furrowed brow.

“Maybe a few, but I’d wrestle all of them for you.” It was corny as hell, but it made her laugh, and that’s all that mattered.

The rest of the trip to the airport was filled with her chatter that kept a smile on my face. The flight was more of the same. By the time we’d switched planes and finally landed at Louis Armstrong, she was almost jumping up and down.

She was like a kid, and I doubted I’d smiled more at any point in my life. Her childlike enthusiasm was adorable.

As soon as we stepped out of the security area, my grandmother was standing there waiting with open arms. I hugged her tightly. “Granmé,” I murmured fondly before I broke away to make introductions.

“Kira, this is my grandmother, Adelaide Laveaux. Granmé, this is Kira.”

Her pale blue eyes took Kira in from head to toe as she held Kira’s hands, and a soft smile tipped her lips. “She will bear you strong sons and a lovely daughter. You’ve chosen well.”

Rolling my eyes a little at my grandmother’s teasing, I fought the laughter that threatened to erupt at Kira’s saucer-like eyes.

“We decided not to find out the sex of the baby,” she whispered in awe. My grandmother laughed and scoffed.

“Madame Laveaux needs no ultrasound,” she said with a dismissive wave of her hand before she chuckled. She hooked her arm through Kira’s and began to lead her off toward baggage claim. The look Kira shot over her shoulder at me when my grandmother started talking about what she believed the baby’s abilities would be was hilarious.

Once we gathered our bags, the three of us made our way out to the car. A huge grin broke out when I saw who was leaning against it with his arms folded.

Jameson pushed off from the vehicle and met me halfway. We embraced, and I made my introductions. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

“Couldn’t let Madame Laveaux drive herself. The entirety of New Orleans would be in danger.” He raised a brow as my grandmother stood with arms akimbo, glaring.
