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When Ghost, Angel, and I had gone to lunch after I’d done Jasmine’s ink, Angel had casually asked if things were okay between me and his sister. I played innocent, despite the betrayal that nearly choked me.

Except now he’d caught her in my room, and I thought I was likely a dead man.

“Goddamn, Angel. Chill the fuck out. She stopped by to have me look at her tattoo. The plastic came off and it was bleeding. She wanted to make sure it was okay.” I pulled out a vape and hit it before I shoved it back in my pocket.

Pretty sure none of them believed my excuse, but I sure as fuck wasn’t admitting I’d been banging Angel’s sister every chance I got.

“You can all leave. Show’s over,” I said with a sneer to my brothers still warily observing.

They looked from me to Angel with disbelieving glances.

“It’s all good,” Angel said with a huff.

For a moment, the debate in their eyes was plain as day. Once they decided we weren’t gonna kill each other, they relaxed. Everyone but Ghost and Phoenix went back to the party.

“You think I’m stupid, Chains?” Angel asked me as he tipped his head back and stared down his nose at me.

“I’ve never once said I thought you were stupid, Angel. You’re my friend. You were my sponsor, for fuck’s sake. But more importantly, you’re my brother.”

“Then what’s going on with you and Jasmine? It’s more than a fucking tattoo,” he said with a glare.

The thing about being in a club full of men with varying abilities was that we knew one another. Not a word crossed my lips, but Angel looked me in the eye, and heknew.

“Did you fuck my sister?” Eyes wide and teeth grinding, he watched me. The clenching of his fists didn’t escape me, either. This was gonna hurt.

“It wasn’t like that,” I started, but I didn’t get out another word before his fist met my face. Phoenix and Ghost were on him immediately, holding him back as he quietly struggled. He didn’t want the rest of the brothers coming back, because I was sure he wanted to beat my ass without everyone intervening.

“Fuck!” I said as I worked my jaw back and forth.

“You don’t do relationships, Chains. Youfuck,and you don’t care who sees. Sorry, bro, but that’s not what I want for my sister.” Deciding it was a good idea not to argue despite the fact that he was wrong, I again kept my mouth shut. The truth was, I’d had plenty of public blowjobs, but I sure as hell never fucked anyone in public. Because for the last couple of years, I didn’t fuck at all.

The spring day was warm, and we were at his kid’s birthday party. There was zero chance Jasmine and I would be alone there. Actually, I was surprised I was still welcome. Then again, if he’d excluded me, he would’ve had to admit shit wasn’t kosher with us.

Didn’t stop me from clocking her every move.

Knowing I was risking a lot didn’t help. Twice, I caught Angel glaring at me. He was standing with Venom as they spoke with the visiting members from the Flagstaff Chapter.

“I’ll have to figure out when I can get in to have you finish up my back piece,” Blade said, and I absently nodded.

“Sure,” I said getting an uneasy feeling at the look Venom gave me as he spoke with Angel, Declan, and Wolfman. The Flagstaff brothers had a run that took them up north. They’d stopped on the way up and now on the way back.

My unease grew as Venom slapped Declan on the back with a grin and shook his hand, then he broke away to approach me. Determined steps brought him closer, and I realized Blade and Kicker had abandoned me.

“Chains,” Venom said like I wasn’t looking right at him.

“Yeah, bossman? What can I do for you?” Maybe I was overreacting and he only needed me to get more ice or something equally inane.

“Pack a bag.” Nope. Not overreacting.

“Excuse me?” I had no idea where he was going with that.

“You’re heading back with Declan and Wolfman to help them out.”

“But they have Ink,” I said, confused as to why I needed to go to fucking Arizona.

“Not sure what’s going on with him, but they need you.”
