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“Ireally believe the wolf is more symbolic than actual,” Voodoo said as I walked him to his bike. I digested what he said as he stashed his things in his saddlebag.

“Then why would I think I’d seen wolves as I grew up, and why would I dream of a wolf long before I even knew Jasmine existed?” I asked, frustration lacing my words.

“I don’t have a good answer for that. Unless it was something of a premonition. We don’t have textbooks or rulebooks on how our abilities act, you know.” Voodoo shrugged before he straddled his bike.

“Thanks again for coming over,” I said.

“Anytime, brother, anytime.” He grinned. His grin quickly faded, and the air seemed to crackle with something electric. With a frown, he glanced around, as did I.

“What the fuck is that?” I asked. The air seemed heavy, like before a raging storm, yet there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. My hair stood up all over my body. We scanned the quiet neighborhood, but nothing seemed out of place.

It was a small gated community on the edge of town. Further down the road was the clubhouse and the farm. Several of us joked that eventually the club members would own every house in the development. As it was, Angel and I had houses here. Venom and Voodoo were both looking at houses on the next street over. There was a thick tree line behind the last street because it butted up to CRP (Conservation Reserve Program) land.

“You felt it too?” he asked with a frown.

“Yeah, but I don’t know what the hell it was.”

Nothing changed, and he started his bike. I waved, and after one last glance around, went back inside.

Jasmine had Ehria in her high chair as she tried to get her to eat some pureed shit that looked repulsive. “I don’t blame you, sweetheart. I wouldn’t eat that shit either,” I whispered conspiratorially to my daughter, who smiled with a face covered in some messy goop.

“You are not helping,” Jasmine sternly snapped as she tried not to smile. “What time are Ghost and Sabre coming? I thought they’d be here by now.”

After I shrugged, I held my laughter as I pulled out enough plates for everyone and set them on the counter. We were eating in the kitchen since it was an informal dinner and the boys were coming. It was just family. Inside, I snickered a little.

Informal. Who would’ve thought someone like me would be thinking in terms of formal or informal? My second foster family I got yanked from was so abusive they made us kids eat on the floor like dogs “so we wouldn’t make a mess at the table.” Sometimes over the years, I was simply happy to have a meal. Period. Now I owned a house with an actual dining room.

“Thank you,” she said with a soft smile when I sat next to her where she sat sideways feeding Ehria.

“Want me to take over?” I asked.

“Nah, she’s pretty much done. At this stage, she’s not super interested in baby food, but I wanted to start her on a little bit since her doctor said it was okay.” She stood, placed the small bowl and spoon in the sink, then washed our daughter’s face with a cloth. Once she was done, she handed her a teething ring and sat with me to wait for the boys.

She leaned over and kissed my cheek.

“What was that for?” I asked with a crooked grin.

“For being so sweet. Who would’ve known?” She laughed, and I shook my head with a smirk. The entire scene was so domestic and everything I’d ever wanted as a child but never really had after my mom disappeared.

“Knock, knock!”

“Honey, I’m home!” Ghost and Sabre said as they came in the front door.

“Don’t make me regret giving you two the code,” I grumbled as they burst into the kitchen, all smiles. “Where’s Raptor?”

“Got hung up with something at the clubhouse. He said he’d have to take a rain check.”

I nodded.

“My girl!” Ghost said before swooping Ehria out of her chair. He held her above his head like she was flying, and she giggled.

“Ghost, I wouldn’t do—” was all Jasmine got out before the creamy, gooey shit flew out of my daughter’s mouth and splatted on Ghost’s cheek. His eyes slammed shut, and he froze.

Sabre took her from his hands before either Jasmine or I could move, wiped her chin with a napkin, and held her to his chest. “It’s okay, Uncle Sabre won’t let you get all shook up and lose your lunch.”

Jasmine tossed Ghost the cloth that he caught with one eye open. He wiped his face, then gave Ehria a mock stern look. “Young lady, you’re lucky I have a soft spot for you.”
