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Islept like shit that night. How the hell was I supposed to sleep when there was a possibility my daughter was a freaking wolf? I didn’t understand how that could be possible. I wasn’t a shifter; Nico wasn’t a shifter. It was crazy, wasn’t it?

My mother’s family were Native American, and my father’s half was part Native American, but part God only knew. I’d grown up knowing there were a lot of things in the world that couldn’t be simply explained. But the thought that two humans—though gifted—could give birth to a shifter? Insane.

Half asleep, I was going around and gathering everything I needed to bring with me for the day. I hated having to drag it all to the clubhouse, but I made a promise. Now that they had put that worry in my head, I was more than happy to be somewhere with other people while Nico was at work.

“I put the playpen in the back of the SUV,” Nico said as he stood in the doorway. His fingertips hooked the doorframe, and a sliver of his sexy inked abs peeked from under his shirt.

“Stop tempting me, or neither of us is going anywhere today,” I said with a mischievous smirk.

He snorted but dropped his arms. “You about ready?”

“As ready as I will be. How long do you think this is going to be the norm?”

“Hopefully not long.” He looked uncomfortable for a moment, and I narrowed my gaze at him.

“What aren’t you telling me?” As if our daughter possibly being a shifter or having wolf traits wasn’t enough.

At first, he looked like he was going to deny that he knew something I didn’t. Then he sighed. “Voodoo thinks that maybe the wolf is symbolic of your father. With what Sabre said, I don’t know what to think now.”

A sharp inhale was followed by a shaky exhale as I shot him a worried gaze. “But how can that be? You drew a wolf innumerable times. It never seemed to be a threat.”

“I’m not sure. Madame Laveaux is talking about coming for a visit to see Parker next week. Voodoo’s going to see if she can get a better read. Until we know more, try not to worry.”

A wry chuckle escaped my lips. “That’s easier said than done. So how long do you think it will be before she moves up here? She’s been up once a month since that baby was born.”

With a smile, Nico shook his head. “No clue. She says she can’t stand the cold here and that she would miss her home in the swamp, but I think it’s a matter of time.”

Nico grabbed the diaper bag and my laptop bag, and I followed him out the door with Ehria snuggled into me. He placed them in the SUV, and his hand wrapped around the back of my neck. Having him touch me never got old. The kiss he gave me was so full of promise that I was tempted to tell him he better cancel his appointments.

He broke away, and I leaned toward him with a sigh. He chuckled and nipped my lower lip before giving me one last chaste kiss. Ehria was pulling at his cut the entire time.

“See you at the clubhouse tonight when I get off,” he said as he kissed our daughter on the head and went to his bike parked next to the Range Rover he’d insisted on getting months ago. He was too handsome for his own good, and I sighed at the sight of him as he straddled the seat and slipped his sunglasses on. I wished he’d wear a helmet year-round.

Then I cleared my head and set Ehria in her car seat before I climbed behind the wheel. When I started the vehicle, Nico backed out and started down the road.

Before I could back out, I realized I’d forgotten Ehria’s blanket. She’d never nap without it. “Shit,” I murmured, putting the car in park again.

Not wanting to leave Ehria in the vehicle unattended, I quickly unbuckled her and rushed up to the house. I entered the code, went inside, and grabbed her blankie off the couch. She snuggled it as soon as I tossed it over my shoulder between me and her cheek.

“That’s better, huh?” I said with a soft smile.

When I locked the door again and rushed toward the car, I stopped short with a shriek. “Oh my gosh! You scared me! Can I help you with something?” I asked the woman standing in my driveway.

For a moment, she simply stared at Ehria, then she met my gaze and pulled out a gun. My heart stopped, and I struggled to find a breath.

“Give her to me,” she quietly demanded. Terrified, I hesitated. The metallic slide and click of the round being chambered got my attention really quick.

“You can’t take my baby. Please,” I begged as tears welled in my eyes and I stared at the gun. Ehria grabbed my hair as if she knew something wasn’t right.

“I said, give her to me.” Her hard dark eyes bored into me, and I shivered. Then they flashed silver, and I froze.

“What was that?” I whispered in shock, but she ignored me.

“You have no idea what you’re doing. She must come with me. If you want her and her father to stay safe, give her to me,” she demanded in a harsh whisper. My mind was spinning, trying to think of something to stall her until maybe Nico realized I wasn’t behind him or someone drove past.

“Take me with you. She’s only four months old, and she’s still breastfeeding. She needs me. Once she’s older, you can send me away, kill me, whatever, but please don’t take her from me now,” I pleaded. Anything to buy me time.

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