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“Phoenix is right,” Angel agreed.

“Well, what do you suggest?” I asked, voice laced with frustration.

“You really need another hit,” deadpanned Ghost. “Your brain is like, nonfunctioning. Hello, there are cameras. That means I go and look for a way in. Then I come back and get you knuckleheads and we rescueourfamily.”

“Fine,” I grudgingly conceded before an idea hit me. “Can you call Facet and see if he can tap into their security feed?” I asked Angel.

“Already sent him a message at our last stop to see what he could find out. Last I checked, he hadn’t come up with a thing. Now that we have a location, I need to update him. If the security system is hooked up to internet, he’ll get in.” He sent a text, then waited.

“There was a driveway to another property across the road and before we reached that drive. I think we could pull in and push our bikes into the brush and hide them. Then Ghost goes over, works his magic, then we go play John Wayne,” Phoenix said with a smirk as he took one last hit. He held it in and slowly exhaled into the air.

“Well, let’s get our asses in gear,” I said as I straddled my ride.

Angel reached out and grabbed my arm. I glanced at him with a frown. “We’re going to get them back.”

Unable to speak, I nodded.

Since Phoenix was the one who spotted the other drive, he led as we pulled back out. Not far down, he turned off on a dirt road that I assumed was private property. We stopped, and one by one backed our bikes into the trees. We gathered loose limbs and broke off smaller ones from the surrounding trees to cover up any chrome that might reflect and be seen from the road.

“I’ll be back,” Ghost said as he disappeared in front of our eyes. A shiver skated down my spine.

“How the fuck does he do that?” I muttered.

Angel glanced my way. “How do any of us do what we do? It simply is.”

“What did Venom say? Is he sending anyone as backup for us?”

“No. Venom, Squirrel, Kicker, and the prospects are holding down the fort. Sabre and Blade are down in Puerto Rico with the brothers down there looking into something with the trafficking shit. Raptor and Voodoo went to look into the gunrunners that killed Halvorson’s friend. They’re with the Los Angeles chapter right now. All that’s available are the old timers, and that’s not fair to have them come up here. They’re practically retired.”

“I knew we should’ve kept that guy alive that we picked up in Texas,” I grumbled.

“Kind of hard when he had a goddamn stroke during our interrogation,” Phoenix said with a grin.

“Well, if Blade wasn’t such a sick fuck, maybe he wouldn’t have made the guy have an aneurysm,” I argued. Angel snorted, and I glared at him.

“Not his fault the guy had a weak vessel in his head,” Phoenix said before he shrugged.

I sighed.

Time seemed to crawl as we waited for word from Ghost. Though I knew his gift would keep him from being seen, we had no idea what type of people we were dealing with. What if they could see him? Hell, did he show up on thermal cameras? I’d never thought to ask. What if he did and they had them?

My brain wouldn’t stop.

“Do you think he’s okay?” I asked as I paced.

“Of course I am,” a voice whispered in my ear, making me nearly jump out of my skin.

“You’re a fucking asshole,” I snapped.

Ghost chuckled as he stepped around me.

“What did you find?” Angel asked. We all gave him our full attention.

He took a deep breath, exhaling as he puffed his cheeks out. “That is some serious shit over there. I’m talking cult-type crazy shit. Doomsday Peppers Ranch shit.”

“What?” I asked not understanding exactly what he was getting at.

“The bushes are fake. Really incredible ones, but fake. They are on a roller system that moves out of the way. The fence that runs about fifteen to twenty feet in from the road even with those bushes is eight feet tall and electrified. Razor wire at the top of that. Seems to go on forever.” He shook his head in amazement.
