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Unsure if it was safe to proceed, I waited. The grip she had around my torso told me she was nervous as well.

The door flew open, and Raptor walked out to wave us up. “It’s clear!” he called, letting me know whoever was there, they were no threat. Cautiously, I pulled forward and parked.

My motor ticked as it cooled. Sloane got off, and I followed. Raptor turned to go back inside, but paused with his hand on the door, looked over his shoulder, and met my gaze. “Heads-up. Voodoo is pissed you two left, and he knows what happened. Vision slammed into him the second we walked through the door. He wasn’t happy.”

Shoulders slumped, I groaned. “Fuck!”

I’d hoped to be able to talk to him first.

Her small, cold hand slipped into mine, and our fingers twined together. “We’re consenting adults, Phoenix,” she argued.

True, but she didn’t understand the way shit worked with the club. The fact that we fucked after Voodoo explicitly told me not to touch her and now he knew was a little terrifying. She wouldn’t understand that, though.

The interior was dim, with dancing shadows from the flickering flames of the candles. There was sunlight that shone through the windows, but they were so dirty, it didn’t do much to light up the room. Voodoo was nowhere to be seen.

Sloane lifted her hand and appeared to draw a small circle above her. The lights in the room came on. A few of the brothers glanced around in confusion, but most of them knew our chapter was… “gifted.”

“Voodoo wants to see you,” Raptor said next to me in a volume only I could hear.

“Of course he does,” I muttered.

“Everyone, this is Sloane Fontenot—Voodoo’s little sister.” Of course Raptor had to add that. They all gave a chin lift or nod in her direction.

“This is Static.” Raptor motioned to one of several guys sitting around the tables. Static stood as did the others, introduced himself as a nomad from out west, and shook my hand. He didn’t have much to say, but his eyes didn’t seem to miss much. That knowing gaze paused on where Sloane’s smaller hand was curled in mine. As gently and as unobtrusively as I could, I released her.

“Heyyyyy, brother!” Tig called out with arms wide open. He was also a nomad but used to be in our chapter. He worked as an underwater welder for bridges, so he traveled a lot. I had heard he was working somewhere in Texas, but I didn’t know he’d been so close.

“This motherfucker here is Silver. He’s a nomad with the Northern Grizzlies, but Axel over in Flagstaff vouches for him, and since he was in the area, he’s willing to help,” Raptor explained as he introduced the man.

Silver and I shook hands with official introductions. Tall and bulky as fuck, with dark hair highlighted with a single silver strip, he was an intimidating figure. For some reason I thought I remembered talk at Nationals of some of the NGMC looking at coming our way. I wondered if that meant Silver was one of them. Either way, I was happy to have him here.

As if this was my ol’ lady and my fight.

“We’re still waiting on a few more guests.” Raptor pulled out his phone and glanced at the vibrating device. “This is them now. I’ll be right back. Need to go open the gate.”

“I’ll go with you,” Silver offered, and they went outside.

“I need to go to the bathroom,” Sloane said as she made her way in that direction. Feeling the eerie sense of being watched, I looked up and caught Voodoo’s glacial gaze on me from the doorway of what used to be the chapel.

Fucking hell. Here goes nothing.

I followed him in the room.

“Shut the door,” he instructed.

I did, and when I turned around, Voodoo cold-cocked me. I stumbled back and slammed into the door. Slowly lifting my hand, I massaged my jaw.

“Maybe I deserved that since it’s your sister and you told me to stay away, but she makes her own decisions, and so do I. Shit worked out fine in Angel’s case with Chains and his little sister. Why would you think this would be any different?” I asked as my gaze narrowed on him.

“I don’t. That was simply because you ignored my request. Also take it as a warning. You hurt her, and they will never find your body. Understand?” He crossed his arms and lifted his chin as he waited for my reply.

“Completely. If I hurt her, I hope youdomake me pay. Bro, I know she and I just met, but I can already tell you she’s an incredible woman. There may also be more to this story, but I’m not sure how to prove it.”

He cocked his head in question, and I told him what she’d told me.

“Holy shit,” he muttered in shock.
