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You know my schedule.

Since he’d said goodbye to her on the clubhouse lawn, it had been his intention to ride straight to wherever she was when he got back to town. At whatever time of day or night that was.

I want to see you now. I won’t be too tired to see you

when I get in. If you’re not busy

Not too busy to see you. I’ll be at the bar from about 3.

Sorry—things are getting busy around here.

No prob. I’m gonna go back to the party

Okay. Have fun.

Get good rest for your ride tomorrow.

I will. You get good rest too.

Good luck at your appointment

I hope it goes like you want

That was all he could say about the DA and plea deals and the chance her father was going away.

It took a few minutes for her to reply.

Thank you. I do too.

Their conversation was ending. A faint weight leaned on Jay’s chest. It took him a minute to understand that weight as sadness. He was gone enough for this woman to be sad a text convo was ending.

That scared him, but for once in his life, he didn’t try to back away from the feeling and act like he didn’t care enough to be scared. Instead, he leaned into it.

Hey Petra?


I’m really glad we met.

Me too.??

He stared at that red heart. It was just an emoji—and an overused one at that. His mother added a red heart to pretty much every text she sent him. Probably it meant about as much as any other emoji—nothing at all. Besides, how could he be sure if she even meant it affectionately? He knew girls who used the full menu of hearts and even managed to make them snarky.

He almost never used emojis; they were too fucking cutesy and he felt like a simp if he even opened the menu. But that red heart had his attention.

Petra didn’t use many, but she liked smileys and side-eyes. That red heart was the first heart emoji in their text thread. For that reason alone, it had weight.

So he didn’t leave it hanging.

He sent one back.

And then swiped out of the app and tossed his phone away before he could see her response.

His phone didn’t buzz.

Did that mean anything?

Jesus fuck. Having a girlfriend did weird shit to his head.
