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I guess.

After a few seconds’ thought, he clarified.

Yeah, actually. I do. Z’s my best friend

It sucked being pissed at him

Made me feel like I was riding on a

flat tire

That probably sounds stupid

It doesn’t sound stupid at all. I get it.

I think I feel something like it right now

You mean because of your dad?

Petra was going with her father to the DA’s office in the morning. His court date was coming up in about a week, and they were still trying to work out a deal to keep him out of McAlester.

Jay didn’t know how to make her feel better about her father. She was afraid he was going to prison, and afraid he wouldn’t survive it. Jay had a fairly substantial body of secondhand knowledge about prison, both state and federal, but nothing he knew would ease her mind. He tried to be very careful, be only supportive without sharing any details he’d heard from the Bulls who’d been inside.

Yeah. Dad and other stuff

But I’m really happy for you.

The other stuff was probably Dre. Jay tried to ignore that dickhead as much as he could.

The feeling was mutual; Dre wouldn’t even work when Jay was around. Eventually Petra was going to have to choose, maybe. Or figure something out. He didn’t want to be the one to force that on her, so he didn’t say most of the things he thought about her ex-lover and supposedly current best friend.

He just wanted to focus on Petra. Her sparkling eyes and beautiful smile.

Hey—can we FT instead? Want to see you

Like all the texts in this thread so far, it went to ‘read’ at once. But no dots popped up.

Minutes passed before she replied. Long enough that Jay’s stupid brain grabbed that silence and made it mean she wasn’t as into him as he was into her. She didn’t want to see him, and somehow asking to FaceTime was too pushy or clingy or something.

Sorry. I can’t right now. I’m in the middle

of a hundred things at once.

Right. She was at the bar. It was late on Saturday night. Of course she was busy. He muzzled the snarly beast of his ... insecurity? Fear? ...pussinessand got over himself. Mostly.

Yeah, right. Sorry

The dots popped at once, and her reply followed seconds later.

Don’t be sorry. I wish I could see you, too.

You head back tomorrow, right?

Yeah. Be home Wednesday. Probably evening

I want to see you, but I get you’ll be exhausted.

Let me know when you want to get together.
