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“Dammit! Why does my family have to be so helpful? They could have waited until we’d moved in and christened every room before visiting.”

I smack him gently on his chest. “Shh, they’ll hear you.”

“I don’t care. I want to make love to my fiancée.”

I grin like an idiot, loving it when he calls me that. He proposed on New Year’s Eve, under the stars down by the Colorado River, and I didn’t hesitate to say yes. I love this man with everything I have. There was never any doubt I will spend the rest of my life with him.

“You’ll have to wait until they’re all gone,” I tease.

“Would it be rude to ask them to leave?”

“Yes!” I laugh, tugging him out of the entryway and into the living room.

“We heard every word of that, you know!” Josh exclaims when we walk in. “You do know I shifted a load of boxes for you today, Davis!” His voice is full of humor, so I know he’s joking.

Jack shrugs. “I still want you all to go.”

“Jack,” I hiss, thankful his parents are in the kitchen with Claire and Ryan and can’t hear him. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me into his side.

“It’s not my fault I can’t keep my hands off you. You shouldn’t be so hot.” I roll my eyes at him and push his hands away.

“Does everyone want pizza?” I shout, turning and sticking my tongue out at Jack, who groans when he realizes no one will be leaving anytime soon.

“Yes!” Hope and Jacob shout in unison, and I laugh.

“I thought you two might say yes. Anyone else?”

After receiving a chorus of yeses, I make my way into the entryway, away from the noise to make the call. I place the order, giving over our new address, and take a seat on the stairs. The last six months have been some of the best months of my life, and I still have to pinch myself every day that I ever got so lucky. After Jack’s first memory came back, everything else he’d forgotten slowly trickled through as well. It was great he’d begun to remember our relationship, but for me, the return of his memories with Jacob were what mattered the most. I know how he struggled not being able to remember the important milestones in his life, so when those memories started to return, I couldn’t have been happier for him. It did cause a few issues though, as along with those memories came Zara, and what she did to him. He felt guilty about the time he spent with her after the accident, knowing how much she’d lied to him and how hurt I’d been. I assured him I didn’t blame him, but it took some working through, and now we are even stronger.

As for Zara, Jack contacted a lawyer back in the UK and set the paperwork in motion for Zara to give up her parental rights to Jacob. She never fought us once, signing the paperwork as soon as she received it. As happy as that made us, it was bittersweet for Jacob, knowing one day he would have to know the truth. I love him like he’s mine though, and he’s even recently started calling me Mommy, which I love. He will know about Zara, but only when he’s old enough to understand. I hope he feels enough love from me and Jack to never have to feel like he’s missed out.

Jack and I have decided on a short engagement, and Quinn is going to help plan the wedding. We want to get married at the ranch where it all began, and I can’t wait to be Mrs. Aria Davis. I’ll have to wait a couple of months for my wedding planner though, considering she’s just given birth to twins. Asher and Sofia were born by C-section a few days ago. They came a little early at thirty-six weeks, but they were good weights. Asher weighed 4lb 8oz, and Sofia, a little smaller at 4lb 2oz. Both are absolutely perfect. They had to spend a couple of days in the NICU, but both are doing well and they’re coming home from the hospital today. I can’t wait to see them in person and get to hold them. Jack and I have talked babies and we’ve both said as soon as we’re married, we’re going to try. I know from Savannah and Josh’s struggles that nothing is guaranteed. It took three rounds of IVF for Savannah to get pregnant, and although she’s only eight weeks along, they’ve had a sonogram, and all looks good. I have everything crossed it all works out for them. I know if it doesn’t happen for us, how lucky we are to have Jacob, but I can’t say I don’t long to carry Jack’s baby.

“What are you doing out here, sweetheart?” Jack asks as he comes into the entryway, concern lacing his voice. “Is everything okay?” I look at him and my heart pounds out of my chest. I’m so in love with him. I never thought I could feel this way, and sometimes the intensity of my feelings scares me. I don’t worry though. I know Jack will always be there to catch me if I fall.

“Everything is perfect. Do you know how happy I am?”

He smiles. “I think so. About as happy as I am?”

“Happier,” I tell him, standing up and throwing my arms around him.

“I doubt that,” he whispers into my hair as he holds me close.

“I love you.”

“I love you too, Aria.”

He kisses me, and I get lost in him like I always do when he kisses me. My body comes alive, and it’s now me wishing we didn’t have a houseful of guests. I love how close everyone is though, and I know they will always be there for us, just like we will always be there for them. We might have taken the long way, but I know for sure we’re finally home.

