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Oliver swallows hard and then gives me the faintest smile. When he looks away, I glance up at Nick and Director West. “He saved me. You can’t punish him for that.”

Director West gives me a gentle smile. “Oh, don’t worry. It sounds like there’s no need to look into that. We know Oliver’s character, and we know he’s got control of his magic now.”

“Of course, now we understand why he won’tuseit,” Nick grumbles.

My head snaps toward Oliver. “You don’t use your magic? Because of that night? Those men were evil, Oliver. Your magic saved me. It’s agift. And you must be powerful to have done that kind of damage accidentally at such a young age.”

“Extremely powerful,” Nick says. “There’s only one other sorcerer with as much power as him in all of the Midwest.”

“But he’s always refused to use his magic,” Director West adds. “We originally hired him hoping we could eventually teach him to trust himself. We could really use a sorcerer like him.”

He’s the most powerful sorcerer in Detroit? Suddenly, something in my mind clicks. “Wait!” Oliver’s eyes snap to mine. He knows what I’ve just figured out. “You’reSorcererX?”

He meets my eyes and gives me a crooked grin. It’s so adorable I find myself grinning back.

“Who’s SorcererX?” Nick asks.

“He’s the closest thing I’ve ever had to a real friend. SorcererX is a guy I met in a paranormal chat room when I was desperate for answers about the underworld. Once I decided he was legit, I started asking him questions. He’s been feeding me bits of information ever since.”

“Nothing illegal,” Oliver says quickly at all the raised eyebrows. “I never outright gave up our secrets. I only ever cleared up some of her confusion when she learned something new, or corrected her misconceptions. I cautioned her about things, but I never told her anything she didn’t already know.”

I slump against my seat. My mind is so blown right now. “You’reSorcererX. The closest person I’ve ever had to a real friend is also the boy who once saved my life. I can’t even…”

Oliver lets out a long breath. “I’ve wanted to introduce myself to you for so long, but you’re so skittish.”

I cringe, remembering the way I’d blown him off when he tried to help me on the bus. “Sorry about on the bus last night. It wasn’t personal.”

Oliver shrugs. “It’s okay. I didn’t blame you. I know you’ve had a rough life. I’d be wary of strangers, too.”

I start to tell him he’s not a stranger anymore, but another question rises. “Wait. How did you know it was me online? And how did you know I had powers? Have you really been watching me all these years?”

Oliver sighs. “Your story was in the newspaper the morning after I took you to the hospital, so I learned your name. I couldn’t help keeping an eye on you after that. It was a bad neighborhood, and it didn’t take a genius to figure out your home life was rough. It also didn’t take me long to realize you knew about the underworld. I didn’t mean to stalk you or anything; I was just worried that you’d somehow remembered me using magic.

“But then I realized you were different, too. Human, but hiding a secret of your own. I knew you knew of the underworld, knew you were researching it. But you only seemed to want to know more so that you could keep yourself safe. After the system bounced you through a couple foster homes, I lost track of you, but I still worried so I reached out online. I knew the screen name and the chat room you used. Anyway.” He clears his throat again. “Sorry if that freaks you out. I swear I only ever wanted to help keep you safe.”

He’s so sweet. He’s totally forgiven for the stalking. I pat his hand and smile so that he knows I understand. “I’m sure you did. Thanks for looking out for me. Just please don’t be a stalker about it anymore, okay? Friends?”

He’s staring down at my hand covering his, but glances up when I sayfriends.His eyes alight with hope. He can’t believe I don’t hate him right now. He’s wanted me to know him for so long, but he was afraid I’d remember him or figure out the truth, and he was sure I’d never speak to him again. He thinks I’m an angel. Perfect.

I pull my hand away, not wanting to hear any more of his thoughts.

“You’re really not mad?” he asks.

“That you saved my life when I was thirteen and have looked out for me ever since? That you’ve been helping me navigate the underworld? That you happen to be the closest friend I have in the world, even if we only know each other online? No. I’m really not mad.”

He grins at me, eyes wide in wonderment, as if he can’t believe this is really happening. I know the feeling.

Nick breaks up the moment. “Well.” He claps his hands together loudly, startling poor Oliver out of his skin. “This little reunion has been very sweet, but unlike the vamps, I’m not nocturnal, and it’s starting to get late. “Come on, Spitfire. Let’s get you home.”

Home. Even with the possibility of Xavier lurking nearby, the idea of sleeping in my own bed away from any vampires is heavenly.

It’s not until we’re in the parking lot out front of the Agency that Henry approaches me. I give him a flat look, and Nick crosses his arms over his chest. Nick’s not nearly the size of my troll bouncer friend—he has the build more of a UFC fighter—but he’s every bit as scary. Again, I wonder what kind of underworlder he is. I bet it’s something totally badass.

Henry puffs out a breath. “Nora—”

“Do I need to get a restraining order before I leave?”

Henry ignores my threat. “Are you really going home?”
