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Some of the stress seems to melt out of him. “Thanks, Nora.”

“No. Thankyoufor coming along on this crazy adventure with me. No more moping, okay?”

The light finally returns to his eyes, and he bumps my shoulder the way I’d bumped his. “All done. Promise.”

There’smy bestie. “Thanks, Ollie. Now let’s get me home before I pass out.”

Oliver helps me to my feet and puts my arm over his shoulders to help me walk to Terrance’s car. Terrance hovers behind us the entire way and actually buckles my seat belt for me like I’m a child.“Terrance.”

He graces me with one of his ever so eloquent grunts.

Before he can close my door, Director West stops him. “One last thing, Nora.”


“I know you mentioned planning to leave town after you found Shandra,” she begins reluctantly. “Before, I agreed it might be best for you, but now I would advise against it.”

“How come? What’s changed?”

Director West blinks at me. “What hasn’t?”

“Word is already spreading about you,” Nick says. “The strange little human girl who saved a dozen underworlders out of the goodness of her heart.”

“You’re a personal hero to half the underworlders in this city, and a puzzle to all of them,” Director West says. “The rumors and curiosity will follow you if you leave town. The underworld will not stay away from you any longer, I’m afraid. Here, we can keep an eye on you, and you have friends to protect you.”

Director West and Nick both stare me down, almost daring me to say I’ll stay, while neither Terrance or Oliver will meet my gaze. I clear my throat and put as much confidence into my next words as possible. “Then I guess it’s a good thing I’ve decided to stick around.”

Both Oliver and Terrance whip their heads up to gape at me. “You have?” Terrance asks.

I shrug. “If you’re sure you don’t mind a permanent roommate.”

Terrance glares at me. “You areclan, Nora. I don’t just not mind having you; Iwantyou to stay.”

That’s exactly what I need to hear. My smile stretches to reach my eyes. “That’s just what I was hoping you’d say. After all, I finally have a real family. I’m going to need you to keep me out of trouble.” I wink at Oliver and add, “Especially now that I have my best friend to help me get into more of it.”
