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I won’t unless it’s a dire emergency, but I nod anyway. “Sweet dreams.”


I shake myself out of my thoughts and look at Ren. He’s holding out his phone with a grimace. “I hate to pull you away from Oliver right now, but Director West is asking if you’ll come into the office. She really needs to talk to you.” When I frown, he adds in a lower voice, “It’s important, Nora.”

I sigh. Nick’s words play back in my head.Not helping when you can just because you’re angry is the same as sticking your head in the sand.

I’m angry, but Nick’s right, and Director West wouldn’t call me if it weren’t important. “Fine. Tell her I’m on my way.”

“You’re not going out alone,” Rook demands, his voice growly.

I give him a smile. “I didn’t expect to. Want to go to the FUA office with me?”

“I’ll come, too,” Ren says, with a wistful look at Oliver. “If he’s going to be okay, I really should get back to work.”

I climb off the bed, kiss Oliver’s forehead, and pat Ren’s hand. “He’ll be more fun to fuss over when he’s awake anyway.”

The light in Ren’s eyes comes back. “True.” His grin turns devious. “He is a fun one to shower with affection. He gets all embarrassed, but secretly he loves it.”

I grin. That’s a very true statement. “All right. Ren, Rook, and I will go to the FUA office.”

I glance at Charlie and Enzo. They both nod before I even have to ask. “We’ll stay with Oliver.”

“Thank you.” I’m relieved Oliver won’t be alone.

Charlie bites his lip. “Just be careful out there. All of you.”

“We will.”
