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I wince. “I’m sorry. I would, but even if I flew out there right now, I’d be too late. I’ve never picked up an imprint more than two, maybe three days old.”

Director West digests this with a nod but doesn’t relent. “Could you at least try? Unicorns are not only rare, but they’re really powerful. They’re nature controllers. That’s the reason the Redwood forest is so large and wild. It’s literally magical. The herd has always taken care of all of the West Coast. They bless most of California’s crops. We can’t afford to have those crops fail. The unicorns are refusing to help unless their child is found. Even if you don’t pick anything up, they need to see that we’re trying everything we can.”

I rub my temples. After all the sleeping I’ve done over the last twenty-four hours, I’m still a little tired and my head is starting to hurt. “I understand what you’re saying, Director, but I’m sort of already on the case, and I believe I can do more from here.”

Director West sits back with a frown. “What do you mean?”

“Well, a couple days ago Nick mentioned a missing gryphon, and last night we went to the murder scene of Christov, the Lake Erie water dragon. I assume the cases are related because they’re all mythics.”

Director West’s eyes widen. “Of course. I can’t believe I hadn’t put that together. Someone is collecting mythics.”

I nod. “I got a lot of good information from Christov. He was attacked by mercenaries looking for a payout. Someone wanted him alive. We’re hoping that these mercs will have more information on the client. Gorgeous went with Parker and Illren Kovros to try to track them down. If they can find the mercs, hopefully we can find whoever hired them. Findhim, and we’ll find your missing unicorn.”

Director West thinks everything over for a moment and then pins me with a stern look. “Gorgeous found them in Lansing. He’s almost back. You’ll help him with the interrogation when he gets in?”

I nod.

Director West releases the smallest breath of relief. Some of the sternness in her gaze melts away. “Thank you, Nora. I really appreciate all of your help.”

I force a small smile and give her another curt nod. “If there’s nothing else, I’ll just wait out front for Nick.”

I start to stand, but Director West clears her throat, so I settle back in my chair. “About the fey,” she says slowly, as if she realizes she needs to walk on eggshells with me right now. “They’re ready to sign the treaty under the stipulation that you join the agency full time and agree to be their liaison.”

I grind my teeth, and Director West winces. “Gorgeous mentioned Henry told you the particulars of the rogues involved with your mother’s death.”

I scoff. “The particulars? You mean how you allowed a group of savage murderers to terrorize this city for your own gain, and my mother died because of it?Thoseparticulars?”

Director West sighs heavily, and her shoulders sag. “Iamsorry, Nora. Sometimes hard decisions have to be made for the good of the—”

“Save me your spiel. I already told Nick I’d do it.”

Director West perks up. “Great! I’ll just need you to—”

I slice my hand through the air, cutting her off. “Look, I’ll do it—for this city and for the fey. But you and I? We’re not okay. I don’t know if we’ll ever really be okay.”

Director West gives me a long, contemplative look. When she nods, there’s disappointment in her eyes. “Fair enough,” she says. “You don’t have to like me; you just have to do your job.”

I nod, not sure what to say to that. Maybe one day I’ll forgive her. I suppose I already have forgiven Nick. That’s not really fair, but Director West is Nick’s boss, and she’s so much pricklier than him. Not to mention she keeps letting Henry off the hook for his crimes against me. It’s easier to place the blame on her. But, I can be professional. She’s right. I don’t have to like her to do my job.

She slides the file folder on her desk toward me. “I just need you to fill out these papers—tax forms and insurance stuff mostly. The pay’s not great, but the benefits are pretty good. When you’re done, give them to Darla. She knows what to do with them. You can use Gorgeous’s desk. Underworld knows he never does.”

That makes me crack a real smile. “Okay.” I grab the file folder and both of my badges.

“Jacobs,” Director West calls as I follow Rook out of the room. I turn back, and she gives me a small smile. “Welcome to the team.”


Back out in the main room, Darla is still typing away at her computer. The gorgeous redhead is gone, and Ren is back in his usual place behind the reception desk. I peer at his computer screen and have to do a double take. “What on Earth isthat?”

I point to the picture of Nick’s face on a shirtless man’s body riding a midnight black horse rearing back on its hind legs. Above it he’s trying out different fonts on the wordsGorgeous Stallion. Ren turns his screen so I can see the picture better and gives me an impish grin. “Photoshop is a hobby of mine.”

“Does Nick know about this hobby of yours?”

Ren winks. “Our secret.”

I shake my head and chuckle, then find my way to Nick’s messy desk. I’m just filling out the last signature on my paperwork when Nick and Parker come bursting through the doors with the two mercenaries from my imprint. I know it’s them because they’re shouting and cursing much like they were in my vision. Their voices are easily recognizable. The two fey are fighting and resisting my men every step of they way, but they can’t win against a vampire’s and a dragon’s strength. Illren slinks in behind them and moves to sit beside Rook in the waiting area.

“Jacobs!” Nick hollers. “Interrogation in two minutes!”
