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Director West starts to introduce me, but suddenly Nick is there standing in front of me. “Don’t even think about it, Madison. They’re not stealing her from me.”

“Stand down, Gorgeous,”Director West grumbles, annoyed.

He folds his arms and huffs, still blocking my view of the humans. I elbow him out of my way. “Nick, don’t be so rude.”

He glares at me but stands behind me. He grips my shoulder and pulls me back against his chest, shocking us all when he shifts into his partially shifted form and growls, “She’smypartner.”

I snort a laugh. He may not be my lover, but he’s as possessive as all of my other guys. “It’s all right, Nick. I’m not going anywhere.”

I look to Director West to introduce me to the two humans who seems to be stunned by the sight of Nick’s dragon claiming me. Director West shakes her head and chuckles. “You see?” she tells the two humans. “It’s an all or nothing deal with them.”

The man and woman share a glance. The man holds out his hand to me, but when all of my men growl, he pulls it back and the woman holds her out instead. “Miss Jacobs,” she says pleasantly, “I’m Agent Johnson, and this is Agent Ralston of the FBI. We head the FUA out of Washington, D.C.”

The humans that oversee all of the FUA are here to see me? What could they possibly want with me? I hold my hand out and smile to cover up my surprise. “Pleasure to meet you. What can I do for you?”

The two exchange another glance. “We’ve been hearing your name for some time now, Miss Jacobs.”

“That’sAgentJacobs now,” Director West boasts.

The woman smiles at me. “Yes, congratulations, and welcome to the team.”

“Thank you.”

Agent Ralston clears his throat. He’s got his hands clasped behind his back, but his chest is puffed up as if he’s trying to compete for dominance with all of my men. “Agent Jacobs, I’ll get straight to the point. We want you.”

My guys all growl again. I shoot them all a look. “Cool it, boys. He’s not trying to steal me from you.”

“Yes, he is,” Nick mutters. I elbow him.

Agent Ralston glances warily at all my men before forcing another smile on his face. “We’d like to ask you to come to Washington. Tensions between underworlders are really bad there, and the friction between the underworlders and humans is even worse. What you’ve done with this city, bringing all of the underworlders together, getting the fey to sign the treaty…it’s nothing short of a miracle.”

A nervous laugh escapes me. “I’m sure you’re exaggerating.”

“He’s not,” Director West assures me.

“Did you know that yours is the first city to have the fey sign the treaty?” Agent Johnson says.

My brows fly up. “Really?”

Everyone nods.

“Huh. Well, I appreciate the offer, but—”

“Your clan would be welcome to come with you, of course,” Agent Ralston says quickly. “We could use a strong office.”

“Hank, you can’t take half of my office!” Director West says exasperated. “I need them here.”

“We could send you a new team, Madison. This is more important. As the capitol of our great country, we really need to set a strong example, and we need to show the humans who know of us that we can coexist peacefully and even be allies. Having been raised human, Agent Jacobs would be the perfect person to act as a go-between with the humans and the underworld.”

I step in before the two of them can start arguing. “That’s okay.” I smile at Agent Ralston and his partner. “I appreciate the offer, but Director West is right. This city needs me.” I glance at my clan. “Needsus.The fey only signed the treaty today because I agreed to join the FUA and become their liaison. I can’t break their trust right after they’ve signed the treaty. Everything we’ve worked toward would fall apart.”

The humans both sigh. “I suppose you’re right,” Agent Ralston says. “But the offer will be there for you whenever you’re ready.”

“I wouldn’t hold your breath,” I tease him. “I may have spent my whole life wanting to escape this city, but it turns out that Detroit is home.” I smile softly at my clan. “I plan to stick around for a long time.”
