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Reuben grinned and pounded his fists in the air.

Roark just looked surly. “Dey ain’t gonna come after us for hackin’?”

“They don’t know you exist and don’t care,” Jax assured him. “We brought about Teddy Swenson’s arrest and confession, end of story.”

“Den I’m agonna take some time off.” Roark flung the truck keys at Reuben. “Take care of dat van, bro.”

“Your bubble is untwisting,” Loretta called after him.

Roark gave her a thumb’s up and loped up the cellar stairs.

“Well.” Evie tore her gaze from that dramatic departure. Roark’s aura was bleak but brightening. She tilted her head to regard a frowning Jax. “Too late for dinner, isn’t it?”

He broke into the first genuine grin she’d ever seen the stone-faced ex-military lawyer offer. “How about champagne brunch on a yacht in the bay?”

“A yacht? You own a real live yacht?” Evie excitedly set aside her paper plate.

“Adoptive father does. I have the access code. Think we can sneak away?” He squeezed her hand and his lips tilted in a seductive smile.

Lapping waves and brunch at sea... and Jax. There was an offer she couldn’t refuse. She tingled all over at all that masculine attention focused on her. “Sneak. As if I can sneak anywhere.”

Evie crossed the room, kissed Loretta’s head, ordered her to listen to Mavis and the aunts, then headed for the cellar door.

A few hoots followed when Jax trailed after her.

“You don’t mind riding to Charleston on a Harley?” He circled her waist and hauled her up the kitchen steps.

“Ten times rather the Harley than that ostentatious Jag you had. You’re starting to grow on me, Macho Man.”

“Keep whispering sweet flattery like that and we won’t get out of the house,” he warned.

Psycat leaped from the counter to Evie’s shoulder and nipped her ear. Iddy would have to figure out what the cat wanted. She texted her cousin, then flung her arms around Jax.

“If we don’t leave now, the whole famned damily will be up here in about thirty seconds.”

“Who needs clothes and toothbrushes?” Jax whisked her off her feet, grabbed his keys, and headed for the front door.

“A golden plan,” Evie decided. “I’ll call this case a golden plan.”
