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Luke:Lol, done. Gotta go.

I quickly dressed up in the clothes Brady suggested, and I had to admit it looked good.Ilooked good. I stared at my hair for a moment, trying to figure out what to do with it. Scott seemed to like my hair down, but I didn’t want it in my face all the time. Compromising, I parted my hair on the left side, braiding the right side into a French braid so the hair didn’t fall in my face. Once I was done, I gave myself a once over and decided this was the best I could do. Satisfied, I stuffed my phone in my pocket and straightened up.

A knock on my bedroom door saved me from having to decide what to do next. Tucking the free side of my hair behind my ear, I walked to the door and opened it to Scott standing there with a small bouquet of red mums—which I knew for a fact symbolized love and hope—in his hand and looking even more handsome than usual. I took a moment to look him over, my eyes scanning him from head to toe as he did the same to me. His short golden-brown hair stood up on his head, but it looked shinier than usual. A product, maybe? He was clean-shaven, and though I kinda missed the stubble already, I couldn’t wait to touch his smooth skin. He was dressed in faded blue jeans and a short-sleeved button-down, having forgone a jacket.

We both seemed to come out of observing each other at the same time, and Scott presented the flowers to me with his usual warm smile. “For you.”

I was sure my cheeks were bright red as I took the flowers. I kept a vase in my room all the time, so I quickly put the flowers in it. “They’re beautiful. Thanks.”

As I turned back towards Scott, he took my hand in his before pulling it up and pressing a kiss to my knuckles. “You look amazing.”

My blush deepened as I smiled at him. “You look pretty awesome, too.”

Scott grinned and tugged me toward the door. “Shall we?”

I nodded as butterflies fluttered in my belly and a mixture of nervousness and excitement coursed through me. This was our first date, but it was alsomyfirst date. I didn’t count the timeshetook me out because he usually had motives for doing that, and before him, I hadn’t really had anyone.

Once we were in the car and Scott started driving, I turned to face him. “Where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise.” Scott threw me a wink before turning back to the road.

“Ugh,” I mumbled, making him laugh.

We drove for about ten minutes before he parked near what seemed to be a park. My brows furrowed as I tried to figure out what we were doing there. Scott opened my door before I could, and I rolled my eyes at him before stepping out. He grabbed a bag from the backseat but held it away from me so I couldn’t see what was in there. He extended his free hand to me. “Come on.”

I took his hand, and we walked into the park. It was only once we'd walked around the corner that I realized what it was. It was an open theater! There was a huge screen on the other side of the park, and people were spread out on blankets, munching on snacks or talking as they waited for the movie to start. I’d never been to an open theater before, but I had wanted to.

“Oh my god, Scott! This is awesome. What movie are they playing?”

Scott grinned at me as he spoke. “Infinity War.”

I squealed before I clamped my mouth shut with my free hand. Could this get any better?

“Come on, there’s an empty spot over by that tree.” Scott pointed, and we made our way between the spread blankets to where he’d pointed.

Once we reached the spot, Scott pulled out a thick blanket from the bag he’d been carrying and spread it out near the base of the tree. He also materialized a small radio with a huge antenna that he tuned into the theater’s frequency. The opening music rang out just as we sat down, and I wriggled to get comfortable, my hand still in Scott’s.

Scott sat with his back against the tree trunk, and after a few minutes, he pulled me up beside him so I sat with my head on his shoulder. We watched the movie in silence, and somehow by the time it ended, I found myself sitting between Scott’s legs with my back resting against his front, his arms holding me to him in a safe, warm embrace.

When the credits started rolling, I sat up and stretched, my muscles warm and lax from our snuggling. I’d had so much fun today, and I knew that even if I’d been on a thousand dates before, this one would've still trumped them all, and it wasn’t even over yet.

“Tacos, pizza, or Chinese?” Scott asked, pointing toward the food trucks lining the edge of the park as he stood up.

I followed suit and helped him stuff the reluctant blanket back into the bag.

“Hmm...I wanna try tacos.”

“Tacos it is.”

We ate a bunch of different tacos before I decided that I didn’t want to burst. Scott paid for the food despite my insistence that we split, and we headed back toward the car. Night had fallen, and the air had just the right amount of chill. Once Scott had put the blanket bag in the backseat, he turned to me. “Wanna take a walk before we head home?”

“Sure,” I replied, mostly because I wasn’t ready for this day to end yet. Scott extended his hand, and I took it as we walked down the sidewalk, letting the cool breeze wash over us.

“I had a lot of fun today,” I said softly, not wanting to disrupt the peaceful quiet that had fallen between us.

“Me too,” Scott said as he gave me a smile and squeezed my hand.

“Best first date ever,” I said with a happy sigh.
