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Women were not mysteries in his world. They filled a very specific purpose, fed a specific appetite and then he didn’t think of them again.

It was how people were in his world.

They outlived their usefulness, and then they were gone from it.

Now he had a baby, and practically speaking, babies served no use at all. But he would have her, forever.

And now there was Riot, and he was going to have her forever too.

And she mystified him.

“I must be adventurous,” she whispered. “I must be. Because I went to Cambodia and I met you and we...we did, didn’t we?” She seemed hypnotized then and his heart did something it had never done before.

He had no words for it.

An ache, a squeeze and a thunder all at once, as she leaned forward with a questioning look on her face. And she placed her hand on his chest. Over that muscle that was reacting to her even now.

Her eyes met his and the wonder he saw there mirrored what he’d seen when he’d entered her body that night they’d been together.

He curled his fingers around her wrist and felt everything begin to burn.

And then an ear-shattering wail split the silence.

Riot went still. “What is that?”


HERMINDWASREELING. It had been blank when she’d woken up but now it was overly full. With this place, with this man.

Engaged? It seemed impossible.

She couldn’t remember anything, and she really had no idea how she had gone on her trip, a woman who had never been kissed, and ten months later found herself engaged to the most beautiful man she’d ever seen in her life.

Who was also obviously wealthy?

None of it made sense.

But she could feel something between them. Something like she’d never experienced before and she’d felt compelled to draw near to it.

But the crying baby had stopped everything.

“Where is the baby?” she asked, her heart thundering in desperation.

“It is not time to have that discussion.”

Panic. Desperation. Terror.

“Why not?” she asked.

“Because it is not.”

But she didn’t listen. On her unsteady legs she got out of the bed and ran. She stumbled forward, her knee coming down hard on the carpet, which bit into her skin and she cursed the ridiculous nightgown she was still wearing.

The baby.

There was a baby.

She’d been asleep for a whole month.
