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His voice was practically a purr. Though, not the purr of a house cat.

“Well, you don’t have to look like that.”

“Like what?”

“So damned pleased with yourself.”

“And how should I feel, knowing that my fiancée wants me?”

“Did you think that I didn’t?”

He shifted, and his expression went to something like granite. “Things have changed between us, have they not? I take nothing for granted. As you said, it is... You are not a different woman, but it is as if we are living in a different timeline. Our past is erased. And so we must make what we can of today so that we might find tomorrow together.”

“I don’t think that will be difficult.”

“I’m glad to hear it. Would you like a drink?”

She had not had alcohol since waking up. She was a moderate drinker anyway, but she had been very careful because of her mind and memory. She wasn’t breast-feeding Soriya, because being in a coma the first month of a child’s life, did make milk production problematic. Another thing that had been taken from her.

But she didn’t want to focus on what had been taken from her. She wanted to focus on what she had been given.

This thing that felt like an utter surprise from the universe, all things considered. But she did feel the need to know what exactly had happened.

“What happened to me?”

“You were in an accident,” he said.

“Was I by myself? Or were you in it with me?”

“You were alone. It is a regret of mine. You were driving early in the morning. You were hit head-on by a driver who had been out reveling all night.”

“I must have been out very early,” she said.

“Yes,” he responded. “You were. It was... When I got the news of your accident... I have never felt out of control before, you must understand that. And yet you have challenged me at every turn. Challenged what I know about myself. And about my own power. I would argue that it is good for me, except to have not enjoyed a single moment of it.” There was a rawness to his admission that felt unfamiliar. That was ridiculous, since all of this felt familiar.

But this was different. She just knew that it was.

“Then what?”

“You were taken to the hospital. And it was decided that you needed to deliver right away. It was quite precarious, that entire stretch of time. Not knowing if... If you or the baby would live.”

“How awful for you,” she said. “It would’ve been awful for me, but thankfully I remember none of it.”

“You weren’t conscious,” he said. “You had a head injury upon impact.”

“And so they gave me a C-section,” she said.

“Yes. And Soriya was born. They monitored her closely, as she was early, but she was well. Healthy immediately. You... Your body protected her. Almost at the expense of itself. It was truly a miracle.”

“Well, at least there was that.”

“I brought you back to the estate. I did not wish to leave you to the care of the hospital. I hired my own staff to care for you, twenty-four hours a day. And a month after the accident, you woke up. But you did not remember any of the previous time we spent together.”

“You’ve done so much for me. I’m sorry to have repaid you by forgetting you.”

His gaze took on a distant look. “You’re here now. That’s what matters. In many ways, our relationship has progressed quite quickly. It is not as if we were a couple for many years.”

“It’s all very spontaneous, and I have to admit I tend to not be very spontaneous.”
