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And they had made something together that night. Just as they were making something now.

It was more than desire. Connection.

Tiny, tenuous golden threads, woven around them and through them.

Shoring up the broken places inside of them. Knitting them back together. Leaving veins of gold dust where before there had been darkness.



And when he sank into her beautiful body, he was electrified. Lit up from the inside out.

But that light shone on the darkest of things, and they didn’t scurry away. They were there. Staring back at him. There was nowhere to hide.

And it made him want to retreat.

But he couldn’t. Because she was all around him. Soft and smelling like sunshine and rain. Like revelations.

His release was something more than pleasure. It emptied him out. And what remained...

What remained...

He rolled over onto his back, the rain cascading down his chest as he lay there, eyes open in the torrential storm.

And she covered him. Put her body over his and curled up against him, her hand over his chest. They were together. And he remembered, when she had been on the ground before him with all that rain.

He remembered, the way that he had treated her. Even while his heart raged against him. Those feelings...

Those feelings he tried so hard not to connect with.

Is it just the way it is, or is it something you’ve made?

He sat up. “We should go inside,” he said. “You will be cold.”

“Will I be?”

“I’m afraid you will be, yes.”

“I’m never cold when I’m with you.”

But there was something in her eyes that made him think she was lying.

“I don’t think you mean that,” he said.

“I would like to mean it,” she said. “From now on. I would like to mean it.”

He knew that she had felt cold with him. Because he had turned her away. And in turn, he had turned away from her.

But no, he wanted... He wanted her love. He wanted her love.

And he recognized that he was going to have different. Do different things. But surely there was a way to keep what needed to be kept secure, kept secure. Surely there was a way...

“Ask for whatever you want,” he said. “And I will give it to you. Even if it’s half of my wealth.”

“I don’t want your wealth,” she said. “I mean, I’m quite happy to live in it. But I just want us.”

He picked her up again, naked this time, and took her into the house wet. He brought her into the shower, and let it warm them both.
