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How many times could he run?

This isn’t running. And words don’t matter.

He kissed her. With all of the pent-up ferocity inside of him. And this wasn’t that time out in the rain. It wasn’t sweet or tender. It was fearsome. Because everything in him was. A tiger threatening to devour them both. But him most of all.

An ache inside of him blossomed, grew.

Made it all untenable.

He didn’t want to feel this. Didn’t want to want.


“Don’t speak,” he said, nipping at her jawline. And he could see that tears filled her eyes as he continued to kiss her, but she didn’t push him away. She didn’t pull away.

And he growled, biting her on the side of her neck, and kissing down further, wrenching the straps of her dress down and exposing her breasts to his gaze.

His staff would know better than to interrupt. They knew how it was between the two of them.



Is that because of you?

He had thought the sun had gotten in. And it had. For bright moments it did.

But then there were these walls. These things. That she asked for, that life asked for, that he couldn’t respond to.

That he couldn’t...

He couldn’t. It was impossible.

It was impossible.

And so he kissed her, because that he could do. He lowered his head and sucked her nipple into his mouth, because he knew that. Desire. He knew need. And he knew how to slake the lust that sparked between them. But he did not know how to answer this question.

He didn’t know. And he wasn’t a man who trafficked in uncertainty or fear, and here he was made of it. Because of her.

Always because of her. Because she had come into his life and she had demanded things of him that he didn’t know how to answer. Because he had brought her here, to this very place, at this very table, this very moment, and she had told him he was going to be a father when he couldn’t even think of the word father without everything inside of him turning to stone.

And he had found a way around that. He had. He held the child now. He... He cared for her. And he cared for Riot too, why must she continually demand more?

Why does it not end?

It was a foolish question, because it wasn’t simply coming from her. The desire in him wouldn’t end either. It didn’t stop. It didn’t change. There was no way to staunch the flow. The flow of this need.

It was endless. And he could not control it.

And that was what he found unacceptable. Unendurable.

Her hands went to his chest, tugging at the buttons on his shirt, and he could feel her rage. It was nothing less than rage.

She was angry about all of this. About wanting him. About the way he was responding to her question. Then yet still, she couldn’t keep her hands off of him.

He made the mistake of looking into her eyes. And he could see there, a kind of desperation. A request that reached down into his heart and tugged.

And he could not find the distance that had carried him through life up until this point. Even that moment in the nursery with Soriya paled in comparison to what one simple look from Riot did to him.
