Page 17 of My Retribution Too

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Miguel sat up and took in his longtime friend and frowned in disgust.

“My uncle told me to leave it, but that’s not going to happen. We’re going to find out who this woman is and take care of her. I’ll show my uncle I know how to handle my business. Then we are going to work out that plan I told you about before.”

Hammer looked on confused.

“What plan?”

Miguel rolled his eyes and slowly stood unsteadily to his feet. Hammer rose too and quickly reached out to steady his boss. Miguel swiped at his arm and missed by a mile, the movement almost dropping back to the floor.

“Argh… why do I bother?” he mumbled and stumbled to the back room. He wanted to take a shower, see the doctor about his face, then find out who thispuntawas and kill her.

He opened the door to his bedroom and found a naked woman on his bed, tied to the headboard. He stopped in the doorway and stared at the figure, trying to remember who she was. He noticed her body trembled with fear, her eyes wide as she tried to shift away from him.

His eyebrow rose in amusement as his memory of last night came flooding back. He had forgotten about the bitch in his bed. He had met her in the club and brought her home with him last night. He had tied her up and fucked her throughout the night. He even remembered a few of his men having a go, too.

The night was hazy, but he remembered how much she loved it when he choked her as he fucked her. He could feel his manhood growing as he thought about the many things he could do to her body; what she could do for him. He knew he should take a shower, tend to his face, but right now he felt no pain. He could hold off for a few more hours. With his decision made, he started removing his clothing, thinking to himself, I have time to play a little before handling business…



After Ivey took Phoebe’s statement, I instructed her to sit, and wait for me inside my truck. She tried to protest, but she quickly understood my request wasn’t an ask and without another word sauntered to my truck.

“Put Derek on the forensics team and have him log everything they recover.” I instructed Ivey once Phoebe was out of ear shot. “Then have him escort the evidence to the station and take possession as soon as he gets there. I don’t want anyone looking at shit but us. Also have him get the results of any prints found on the scene. I want to know if Phoebe’s prints were found inside or outside of the house and where.”

“Why would her prints on the scene be a problem?” Ivey asked. “She said she got to the scene after everything went down.”

I let out a breath and gave him the real story. Once I was done, Ivey’s demeanor changed.

“So, she could identify the suspect?”

“She claims the vic said her attacker’s name.”

“Yeah, but that’s not the same as seeing him. Did she say that shesawhim?”

“Think about it, Ivey. She didn’t need to see him to identify him. She could do that using voice recognition. Yes, it’s difficult to prove, but his voice or name isn’t the only thing we have. Remember, that’s his house. Regardless, if he got one of his goons to beat the shit out of his girlfriend, he was still on the scene. We could still charge him with accessory.”

Ivey nodded and ran his fingers through his loose hair. “Fuck, this is going to be a mess.”

I snorted. “Yeah, no shit. Listen, we need to contain this. Keep it out of the papers for as long as we can. If Phoebe’s prints aren’t found on the scene, we should be good. There won’t be an issue with her story of showing up after everything went down. But if they find prints on the inside of the closet, then we’ll have a problem.”

“We’d have to place her in protective custody.”

“Yeah, but it can’t be on the books. I still don’t want her statement of witnessing the murder coming out until we’re ready for it to come out. In the meantime, yeah, we’ll have to figure out something.”

I took a minute and glanced around the scene, watching the police, coroner’s staff and forensic team rumbling around the house of Miguel Santos. A thought popped into my head, and I looked at Ivey.

“Get Danny to check the security cameras in and around the house. See if he can find any evidence putting Phoebe inside the house before the victim was murdered. Also, check around the surrounding areas. See if someone could place her on the scene before the time she reported being here. We need to make sure our evidence matches her statement.”

“You got it,” he replied, then jutted his chin toward my truck. “Where are you going to take her?”

“Not sure yet. She and I need to talk. Do me a favor, get Brady or Sol to drive her car back to the hotel. I don’t want it on the scene any longer than necessary. They can drop the keys off at the desk.”

“Will do.”

Ivey walked with me back to my truck. I retrieved Phoebe’s car keys, gave them to Ivey and advised they move the vehicle sooner rather than later.

I climbed into the driver’s seat, started the engine, and made my way out of the area. Phoebe remained quiet as I drove, which was fine with me. My mind was reeling with everything I learned today, from speaking with Schindler, to the events of tonight.
