Page 16 of My Retribution Too

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Exasperated, Miguel let out a breath. “Uncle, I already told you. I didn’t know she wasn’t alone. When my alarm went off, I checked the video, and I only saw Ansley. That’s it. There wasn’t anyone else around.”

“What about the body?” JC chimed in, and Miguel narrowed his eyes on him. He hated JC. The fucker thought he had his uncle’s ear, that he was untouchable. Well, he had another thing coming, that’s for sure.

“I told Hammer to go back and take care of it after they took me to a very important meeting. We didn’t expect she would be discovered. It wasn’t like the neighbors would have noticed, much less called the police. They know better.”

“Then how do you think they were called?” Santos asked.

Miguel shrugged. “I guess the witness called. Uncle…” Miguel dropped the towel on a nearby table and slowly moved closer to his uncle, fully aware of his uncle’s vicious temper. As easy as the beating came, a bullet could follow just as easily. He needed to tread lightly. “If you give me a chance, I can make this right. I can make all of this right.”

“No,” Santos said quickly.

“But uncle—”

“I said No! You’ve done enough. I will handle it, along with your other fucking mess.” That last part was said with such venom in his voice, Miguel almost cowered. His uncle narrowed his eyes and pointed to him. “Stay away from the witness. Do you understand me?”

When Miguel didn’t answer his uncle, Santos charged forward, ready to slap him again. Miguel saw him coming this time, and he back peddled his eyes wide, hands raised, and palms facing forward.

“Yes, yes, uncle, I understand. I understand.”

Santos stopped his forward progression and held his nephew’s gaze until his nephew started squirming where he stood. He took a long deep breath and went back to the bar to pour himself more tequila. He drank the contents, tilted his head from side to side until he heard a satisfying crack.

He turned and met the eyes of JC.

“The woman cannot identify him, correct?”

“I would assume so, or the cops would have been here by now.”

Santos nodded, deep in thought.

After a long moment had passed, Santos instructed JC, “Find out everything you can about this woman. I want it all. Find out if she saw anything. What she knew about my nephew’s girlfriend. And for the life of me, check out this imbecile’s comment about a shipment.”

JC nodded, glanced at Miguel in disgust, and headed for the door, his marching orders set.

Santos looked at his nephew.

“And you go and get cleaned up. I need to finish my meeting, then I’ll deal with you.”

“Yes, uncle,” Miguel gave his uncle a head nod and followed the steps JC took to exit the suite.

Miguel stomped down the hall to his own suite, mumbling obscenities as he moved. Once he was at the room to his suite, he opened the door and then slammed it shut, causing Hammer to jolt awake. He stood quickly from the couch he had been dosing on and studied Miguel.

“Boss, are you alright?”

Miguel, fuming from being humiliated, growled out, “No you fucking asshole, does it look like I’m alright?”

Miguel marched toward his subordinate, the fury in him elevating to levels beyond control. He glanced down at the split brick of cocaine spread out on the table in front of Hammer. He dropped to his knees and quickly prepared himself a huge line of coke with his fingers. He was just about to lean forward and take the entire line, then realized he couldn’t use his nose to inhale the drug. It was busted.

Dammit. I’m going to kill that bastard if it’s the last thing I do.

He stared down at the white powder in despair. He didn’t have time to cook it and use the syringe on the table. An idea finally popped into his garbled brain. He took his bloody finger, wet it with his saliva, and gathered as much of the drug on his finger. He then brushed his coated finger against his teeth, digesting the potent, addictive stimulant until he felt his body jolt alive as if he had been electrocuted.

He dropped to the carpeted floor and fell over, closing his eyes as the drug did its magic.

After at least twenty minutes had passed, Miguel spoke.

“There was a witness in my house.”

“Fuck… what do we do?” Hammer asked him, his voice sounding as if it was far away.
