Page 53 of My Retribution Too

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“What I’m trying to say is that you’re a distraction, a beautiful one, but one nonetheless.” I leaned back and expounded, “For example, I was supposed to lock up the house as soon as Lester left. I was supposed to not only check the house, but the windows, doors as well as the outside cameras before putting the alarm on. I’m sure Lester did the outside cameras, but I was to check the rest and I didn’t. Instead, I stuck my tongue down your throat and forgot all about the cameras. Do you see? I can’t afford to lose a step, and you can’t afford for me to either.”

She smiled and touched the side of my cheek with her palm. I damn near collapsed at her feet. Her touch was every-fucking-thing.

“So you’re blaming me for not doing your job?”

I tightened my hold. “Pretty much.”

She shook her head. “And you’ve been ignoring me because you can’t handle being around me without wanting me?”

I didn’t want to admit my lack of self-control to her or myself. I changed the topic instead.

“Here is my solution. Tonight, I’m going to fuck you until I lose feeling in my legs, until my dick no longer gets hard from the sight of you. Then we need to refrain from allowing our desires to consume us.”

I smiled. She frowned. “Does that mean you’ll continue to stay away? Which is absurd by the way. I mean, this is your house. You shouldn’t have to be driven from your house. Maybe I should—”

I placed my fingers to her lips, killing the shit she was about to say. “No, you’re right. I need to be home. This is my house and I need to protect it and whomever staying here. So expect me home more often. I’ll be working, though, so just… try not to distract me with your sexiness.”

She grinned at me. “I’ll do my best.”

I pulled her tighter to me. “That’s tomorrow night, if you’re still willing, I want you on your knees, my dick stroking your lips until I come down your throat. Then, I want to watch your ass bounce as I fuck you from behind. It’s going to be a long night, Kitten,” I warned using the nickname I had given her the moment I had met her. Don’t ask where I got it from or why, it just slipped out. “So, I suggest you go and get a snack and some water. I’ll be in the back room waiting for you.”

“A snack and some water?” she questioned, confused.

“Yes. As I said, we have a long night ahead and you need to keep you strength if you’re going to hang with me.”

I kissed her forehead then released her, turning her body toward the kitchen. Still looking dumbfounded and confused, she headed toward the kitchen but not before I gave her ass a good hard slap. “And don’t make me come looking for you. Bring your ass, got it?” She yelped and skipped a few paces toward the kitchen.

I turned and headed for the back room.

I wasn’t lying to her; it would be a long night. I fucking hope she was ready because I sure as hell wasn’t.


Santos watched the tall man leave the backyard the same way he came in, confident, cocky, and arrogant. He wanted to put a bullet in the back of his head, but he knew the backlash would be devastating. The man wanted his nephew. Not him, which worked out in his favor. He had already made plans to get rid of Miguel, the loose cannon. This was a perfect time to do it. He didn’t need this mess in his life.

“Who was thatputo?” asked a familiar voice coming up behind him.

Santos took a deep breath before turning around to face his nemesis, Carlito Muñoz as he made his way to him.

Muñoz was the same age as he was, or round abouts, tall, with his long black hairs slicked back. He had round dark eyes, tanned skin and a muscular build. Tattoos peeked from underneath his collared shirt and ran down his arms, ending at his fingers.

Santos dismissed his attorney with a nod and directed his attention to his guest.

“That was Sergeant Lockhart Mills. He’s a detective with the local police department.”

“He is busting your balls and you let him? He is not on your payroll?”

“No, he’s not. Mills isn’t for sale. He never will be,” Santos educated. He signaled a passing waiter and ordered him to bring champagne for everyone. He instructed him to make sure his guests were alright and tell the chef to bring out dessert. The waiter nodded his understanding mumbled, “yes, Jeffe,”before scurrying off.

Santos brought his attention back to Muñoz. “Millsisdifferent. The sooner you learn that the better you’ll be.”

Muñoz grunted, folded his arms and took in the opulent backyard before him. There was a little unrest in the crowd but they seemed to be calming down. Some of the women were outraged, demanding their husbands do something. But what the fuck could they do?

“Not that I am not grateful for the invite,” Muñoz began, looking around for his wife. He found her standing with three women he didn’t know but remembered seeing them with a few prominent businessmen from the area. His wife seemed relaxed, considering what had just happened but his wife wasn’t naïve to his life. She’s been through far worse than a simple shake down from the police. “...But why did you invite me?”

Santos, who was also staring out into the grumbling crowd, said, “I figured we needed to talk.”

“Yeah, about what?”
