Page 64 of My Retribution Too

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I kissed her lips, pulled her to me, and wrapped my arm around her.

We laid there in silence, her hand rubbing my side, her leg draped over mine. Her body shook again, and I instinctively tightened my hold on her.

“Being a cop isn’t easy. We put our lives in danger every day we step outside of our homes. I’ve been shot at multiple times, someone tried to stab me once or maybe twice, and my life and the lives of my family have been threatened more times than I can count. But that doesn’t stop me from doing my job. Nothing will ever stop me from doing my job, what I was born to do. Does it get rough sometimes where I thinkwhat in the hell am I doing? Yes. But there are times when I thank God for giving me the strength to do this job. The skills to be good at what I do and the blessing to have men around me that are good, if not better men than me.”

I took a deep breath and admitted to her, “Take the other day, for instance. The case we caught was one of the worst I’ve ever seen. This…deranged fucking psycho killed her own children just so she could run away with this toothless, overweight ass biker. Her kids were all under the age of five. She cut the throats of two in their sleep, but the baby wasn’t so lucky; she drowned her.”

“My god, Lock,” was whispered into the dark. She sat up and I felt her eyes bearing down on me. “What kind of person would do that?”

“The kind that doesn’t deserve to breathe,” I answered harshly. I felt my anger rising to the surface again and I tried to stamp it down. Phoebe must have felt it too, she started caressing my chest, giving me her soft eyes, gentleness in her touch, soothing the savage beast she knew lived inside of me. I took a few deep breaths and tried to relax as I gave her the rest.

“Here’s the fucked-up thing about all this. It was a huge misunderstanding, or so it was told to us.” I glanced over at her and saw she was confused, as I knew she would be. I mean, what kind of misunderstanding would cause someone to kill their own kids? “After she kills her children, she packs and gets ready for her trip. Her guy comes by to pick her up, however he’s expecting to see her mom there with the kids. He goes off, telling her that he’s ready to go. ‘Didn’t your mom come over to watch the kids?’, he says.

“She looks at him strangely and asked, ‘what do you mean? I didn’t ask my mom to watch the kids.’He asks, ‘what did you do then? Where are they?’Now at this point she’s confused as hell. She says to him, ‘you said to get rid of them. And that’s what I did.’The guy stares at her for a long time before he said he had a bad feeling. He panics, and pushes her aside, and runs into the house. He finds them and throws up all over the floor. He then calls 9-1-1.”

Her eyes widened. “You mean to tell me he turned her in?”

“Yeah, he did. He claims when he said get rid of them for the week, he didn’t mean kill them. He’s never given her the idea that her kids were burdens or that he didn’t like them. He didn’t know how to handle them. He drank and did drugs, so he didn’t think he was a model father, but he claimed he was learning to be. He had stopped drinking and was trying to lose the drug habit. This bitch was oblivious to it all. Ivey asked her if her boyfriend specifically told her to kill her kids and she said no. She figured he didn’t want them, and she wantedhim, so it was a win for both of them.”

“Fucking bitch…” Phoebe hissed under her breath, her anger rippling through her body, and I couldn’t stop the smile that spread along my face seeing her revved up, dropping the f-bomb amused me.

“My sentiment exactly. But seeing those kids’ bodies, watching the baby floating face down in the bathtub, broke something in me that night. I was two seconds from shooting them both in the head. They didn’t deserve to be among the living while those beautiful souls lost their chance at life. Rarely do I allow my control to slip. No matter how bad a scene is or how angry I get, I stay professional at all times. I have to in order to keep my team in check. But that night, they had to keepmein check.”

I fell silent remembering Ivey, face beet red just like mine, fury rolling off him in waves higher than mine, but he was the one who kept his composure, his control. He pulled me aside and told me to go home. He had the scene. He’d write up the report and process both of them. We both knew the boyfriend wouldn’t get charged, but we needed his statement, and he swore up and down that he would testify against her.

The entire drive home I was on ten and climbing. When I stepped into my house, saw Phoebe smiling in the eyes of Homer, it sent me straight to one hundred. I was never the one to be jealous of anyone. The closest I’ve gotten was envy, and that was for the love my brother and Ayana shared. Watching them was painful and downright sickening, but you couldn’t deny the devotion and love that they had for each other.

Watching the gorgeous, honest, and free smile on Phoebe’s face had me wanting to beat the shit out of Homer. I knew he wouldn’t cross any boundaries, but that didn’t stop me from wanting to pound his face in. She was mine. Her smiles belonged to me, her laughter was for my ears and mine alone. The addiction to this woman was real and when she came to me, when she challenged me, offered her body and soul to me, it made me feel taller than the highest building. Stronger than any man on earth, and in love with her more than I have ever loved another.

Phoebe climbed on top of me, leaned close, and caged my head between her arms.

“I knew the moment I saw you that something was wrong. I could see you falling into a very dark place, and I wasn’t sure if you would come out of it the same man. I felt you calling to me, felt your soul calling to mine. I don’t know what’s happening between us, Lock, but I want you to know that no matter what, I’m here for you. If you ever feel like you’re losing yourself, I’ll be there to bring you back.”

“I know you will,” I whispered back, overwhelmed by the look of love in her eyes. She didn’t say she loved me, but I knew she did. Hell, I knew she fell the moment our eyes met for the first time because I had done the same.

I flipped our position, putting her underneath me. She spread her legs open for me and I nestled in between her gorgeous thighs.

“Thank you for the other night,” I confessed, my voice low, filled with a lot of shit I couldn’t begin to explain, not to myself and definitely not to anyone else.

I saw her smile back at me. She touched my cheek with the back of her fingers. “I’d do anything for you, Lock.”

I leaned forward and kissed her softly, reverently. I didn’t hold back; I gave her everything I felt for her in that kiss. She moaned as if she was receiving me and wanting more.

I took my time removing her shirt, her panties and nestled back between her thighs, kissing and sucking her everywhere, her chin, her throat, her neck, behind her ear. I traveled my lips along her collarbone, down between her breasts, and offered reverence to her glorious tits. I lavished them, worshiped them, got lost in the pleasure I gave her.

She writhed underneath me, told me how good I felt, how she wanted more, needed more. The sounds she made, her touch, the scraping of her nails along my back, my shoulders, drove me insane. But I refused to speed this up, to be rough with her. Not because I didn’t think she could handle it. She’s proven that she could. No, I wanted slow, I wanted seductive, I wanted sensual.

I pushed the covers away from us both and rained kisses along her warm skin, licking, sucking, showing her body the devotion that she deserves.

“Lock,” she hummed softly, spreading her legs further, inviting me into her space.

She raked her fingers through my hair, dark eyes watching me closely, her bottom lip trapped between her teeth.

Fuck, she was hot as hell, so gotdamn sexy… and mine. Yeah, she was mine.

I claimed my woman that night, first letting her know how her pussy belonged to me. Taking my time to lick and suck all her sensitive parts, driving her out of her mind. No matter how many times she cried out my name, begged me to take her, to fuck her, I took my time. Drawing out every orgasm until she practically yanked strands of hair from my head. Did I stop? Fuck no. Bring it on, baby. I have all night.

There were times when I brought her to the brink, then eased back, teasing her, letting her orgasm build then pullback, build then pullback, until…until…
