Page 63 of My Retribution Too

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You know what you said,answered my conscious, which, by the way, sounded a lot like MJ.


With a rush of emotions threatening to knock me on my ass, I walked around the house, turning off remaining lights, double checking doors and windows. Confirmed that we were locked up tight, the alarm working, and cameras operational, I climbed the stairs with determination in my steps. I started to head to my bedroom, but I paused and stared at the door to the spare bedroom. I decided it was time to stop playing around. Stop running. I knew in my soul this woman was made for me, but I held back for several reasons, one of them being the woman who’s occupied my heart for years. The fact that she gave me her blessing, told me it was okay for me to live my life, eased my mind and heart. It was what I needed to move on.

I had no idea how things would turn out for me and Phoebe, but I had to find out. Just the thought of living my life without her made my chest ache. Thinking about never seeing her again made me start to hyperventilate.

It’s time to make a choice: Live or die a slow death.

I stepped to the closed door and didn’t waste time with knocking. I opened the door to find Phoebe fast asleep, a frown marring her gorgeous face. She was tense, gripping her pillow tight against her body. Her body jerked and I heard a soft moan filled with pain. I swiftly moved to the bed and picked her up, cradling her body against mine, her damp t-shirt cold against my touch. Her arms instinctively wrapped around my neck. She whispered my name and I swear her body relaxed against me, face tranquil, soft. Breathing back to normal.

I opened the door to my room and carried her to the far side of the bed. I pushed the covers back and placed her gently on the bed. When I pulled back, I found her eyes wide open and staring up at me. I didn’t utter a word, didn’t answer the questions she had in her bright brown eyes. I shifted to the other side of the bed, removing my shirt as I moved. I pulled my jeans off and climbed under the covers, throwing them over both our bodies. I shifted closer to her and pulled her body to mine. She rested her head on my chest and we both closed our eyes and fell asleep.

I woke maybe an hour later to the feeling of soft hands caressing my chest. I was on my side, facing the door. She was draped over me, her front at my back. I turned to face her, brought her thigh over mine, and stared at her through the darkness.

“Sorry, did I wake you?” she whispered.

I touched her cheek, feeling wetness on the backs of my fingers.

“It’s okay. I wasn’t completely asleep. What’s wrong? Did you have another nightmare?”

Her eyebrows rose slightly, and I thought she would ask how I knew this was her second one tonight, but she didn’t. Instead, she said, “Yeah, story of my life.”

“What was it about? Do you remember?”

She let out a sigh, touched my bearded cheek, and confessed, “It was about you.”

“Me? What about me?”

Pause, breath.

“You were shot… by Byron.”

“Really? Tell me about it.”

She laid on her back and I propped on my side, grabbing another pillow to keep me comfortable in this spot.

“It was your typical nightmare. I was being chased by the typical bad guys: you know, zombies, werewolves, Jason, Michael Myers. But leading the pack was Byron and some faceless person.” She looked over at me. “I assume it was Miguel, since I never saw his face.”

“Damn, that’s a lot of people chasing you.”

She snorted. “I know. Tell me about it. And I’m running down this alley that seems to go on forever. It’s dark behind me. All I hear is moaning from the dead, heavy breathing and footsteps close but not too close. A chainsaw too, but that wasn’t the sound I heard tonight.”

I couldn’t help but smile and told myself to never let her watchThe Walking Dead, Fridaythe 13thorHalloweenagain. In fact, no horror movies of any kind.

“In front of me was a small penlight, keeping the shadows behind me but teasing me with the safety of light in front of me.”

“When does the little shit shoot me?”

“Well, I’m running for my life. I can hear Byron laughing behind me. I could feel him reaching for me, and just when I think he’s going to grab me, I get away. He yells out something like, if I can’t have you…”

“…no one can,” we finished together. I rubbed her thigh, comforting her as much as possible.

“Then you appear in front of me. My heart begins to beat. You wave for me to come to you, and I swear I started moving faster. But just as I get to you. Bam! You go down. I stop running, turn around to see who shot you and Byron is standing there, gun in his hand, smile on his face. I scream and wake up.”

I felt her body shiver, and I cradled her cheek with my hand. “I promise you; your dream will not come true. He won’t get close enough to shoot me.”

“I know it’s a dream, but I still can’t stop freaking out about it. Or waking up in cold sweats.”
