Page 67 of My Retribution Too

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“Yeah, yeah. You two are all about high levels of PDA. We get it. Continue.” I said to her.

She laughed. “We had made plans to sit in front of the TV and veg out. But well… he started kissing my neck, and we got a little umm, distracted. Honestly, I needed the distraction. We haven’t had sex in days. I needed him; you know?”

Noelle nodded, looking at her somberly. I tried to give her the same look without smiling and thinking about my night with Lock. I wasn’t sure if I could last days without having him, if I had him on the regular. Goodness, I would lose my mind. Now that I thought about it, I understood the pain she was going through.

“Anyway, there we were, about to get it on, on top of the kitchen table, when his phone rang.

“Hold on a second, baby,” Brad whispered, reaching for his phone in his back pocket. He looked at his screen and the look on his face changed to a panicked look. I sat up, fixed my dress and studied him, hoping it wasn’t anything serious or something about Lock, Noelle or even Phoebe. But my concern quickly turned to annoyance when he raised a finger in my direction, and answered his phone with, “Hey, Jen, is everything okay?”

I rolled my eyes, no longer in the mood to even be in the same room as Brad. I swear the next time I see this bitch I was going to punch her in her eye.

I stepped away from Brad, needing space, before I said the words that I was thinking out loud. However, he grabbed my arm before I could escape.

“No, I’m not busy. Just hanging out with my wife. You sound upset. Is everything…What? No, yeah, come over… that’s insane.”

Brad, now completely into his conversation with the home wrecking whore, released me and gave me that ‘one minute’ finger again, and stepped away from me.

I fought the tears threatening to fall from my angry eyes. I was hurt number one, that he would even take her call, and pissed the hell off that he would invite her here. This was supposed to be our time, our night together. He has been working nonstop for almost a week, with very little time to breathe, much less spend more than a few hours with me.

I think I only saw him three times this week, and one of those days was a doctor’s appointment for the baby. And the only reason why he made that was because my appointment was at his hospital.

But if I was being completely honest with myself, I shouldn’t be completely pissed off at Jen. She was just doing what she was used to doing, breaking up happy homes. No, who I should be upset with was Brad. I stepped back into the family room just as he was hanging up. He leaned against the back of the couch, dropping his phone on the cushion behind him.

“Babe, I’m sorry about all this. Jen just told me that one of our patients died today. We completed a twelve-hour surgery to save his life and all that work did nothing to save his life.”

Hearing that and seeing the sadness all over him washed my anger away. I went to him, kissed his cheek, and wrapped my arms around him.

“I’m so sorry, baby.”

Brad buried his face in my neck and held onto me for a long time before he leaned back. He kept his hands resting on my hips.

“The man had a huge family. They all relied on him. His family didn’t work without him. That’s what his wife told me. I know she has to be devastated.”

“Their whole family has to be broken,” I added, running my fingers through his hair.

Our doorbell rang, and Brad let out a tired breath.

“That’s Jen.”

I let him go and took his place, leaning on the back of the couch as he sauntered to the door and opened it. The moment Jen saw him, she burst into tears and wrapped her arms around him.

I did my best to hold back my jealous rage. I understood the moment, and Brad had no problems with wrapping his arms around her.

They held each other for a few minutes before he guided her into our home. She finally saw me and jumped, startled. Like I wasn’t supposed to be here?Was she serious?

“Thank you for letting me stop by. When I heard the news, I really didn’t have a place to go.”

Home would have worked for me, I said to myself, but to her I said, “No problem. I’m so sorry to hear about your patient.”

She gave me a glossy-eyed smile.

“Thank you,” she replied softly.

Brad escorted her to the couch, and we all sat after he offered her a stiff drink. However, the look in her eyes told me she wanted him to offer her something else stiff.I gotta get outta here before l lose it.

I excused myself, went into our room and at first, I thought about staying in there, maybe watching some television or reading a book. But I couldn’t stand hearing that woman’s voice. I decided I needed to get out of there. I changed into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. When I emerged from my bedroom, they were both on the couch, leaning forward, close to each other.

I grabbed my keys, and the sound made Brad turn in my direction. He stood quickly, frowning.
