Page 63 of Dominion (Dominion)

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I frown athim.

"I'm in danger from Soren, and you're all convinced he won't takeme."

"Soren's not going to take you." He shakes his head. "Eve. You must be extremely careful. You simply can't go out alone," he says, brushing hair off my face. "This was the worst time possible to be brought into this life, but there was no choice. You just have to acceptreality."

I look around, trying to avoid his eyes because I'm so frustrated at Soren's ability to manipulate themall.

"I hate this," I say. "I hate you, and Michel and Ed andeverything."

"Hush," he says, his grin lopsided. "No you don't. You don't hate me. You don’t hate Michel. In fact, you like us both a little too much." He takes my arm, gently escorting me towards the coffee shop. "It's not what you imagined, but it's reality. You're a survivor, Eve. You just have to accept things for what they are andcooperate."

He squeezes my arm and I tug it away, but it'sfutile.

"You enjoy this, don't you?" I say, angry at his possessiveness. "This sense of ownership you and your brother have overme."

"No," he says. "I don't, Eve. Actually, I'm mad at you. You have no idea how much danger you put yourself in by coming outhere."

"You're all putting me in danger, letting me go back with Soren on hisplane."

"Don't worry, Eve. He's not going to takeyou."

"You keep saying that. Don't you realize he's compelledyou?"

We reached the door to thehotel.

"You go on in. I'll get you a cup of coffee. Medium roast with cream, right? I'll be up in about fifteen minutes. I have to make a call first. I don't know how Michel let you out of hissight."

He pushes me forward and I enter the hotel with my keycard and go to the bank of elevators. I get in the elevator and go back to myroom.

* * *

IcheckMichel's room but there's no answer. At 4:30 a.m. Julien still hasn't come to my room so I knock on the door adjoining my room once more and call Michel'sname.

There's still no answer. I call down to the front desk and ask the night clerk if she knows where Ed and Michelare.

"Oh, he and Special Agent de Cernay left for the airport twenty minutes ago. They left word that you were flying back with a Mr. Henrickson later thismorning."


The clerk starts to repeat herself but I cut heroff.


"Yes, I called a cab for them. They left for theairport."

All I can think is that this is a nightmare and soon I'll wake up and see that none of the preceding happened – it's all been a baddream.

"Can you tell me what room Julien de Cernay isin?"

She pauses on the other end for a moment. "I'm sorry. We have no guest registered with thatname."

I sigh. What thehell?

"Can you call me a taxi? I have to make it to the airport for theflight."

The clerk frowned. "Well," she says slowly, "that might be a bit hard since it's already takenoff."

