Page 115 of Ascension (Dominion)

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We walk along the beach, and he finally speaks as if to break the awkward silence.

"How did your time lapse photography work out?"

"Other than clouds moving in at the end, great," I say, forcing a smile to hide my blush. "I'm using a video editor to put it together. Now I just have to choose the music."

"What are you thinking of using? For music?”

I shrug. “Something serene. I’m thinking Debussy. I’ve only just started playing again after the coma. MaybeReverie.”

“It’s a beautiful piece,” he says. “I'd like to see it when it's done."

I nod. "Sure."

"Would you like to look at stars tonight?" he says as we walk on a little further. "I have a nice telescope. We could set it up and take a few good long-exposure pictures. I've taken some of the Large Magellanic Cloud before that turned out pretty well."

I smile at him, glad we've moved beyond the silliness of a few moments ago.

"That sounds nice."

"Come down here once it's full dark. Say around 10:30."

The sun comes out and the brightness bothers me. A headache strikes out of the blue and I stop and rub my forehead, grimacing.

"Are you OK?" he takes my hand, squeezing. I frown, uncertain what I think about his forwardness. He's beautiful and nice but I only just met him.

I nod and pull my hand away, reaching into a pocket in my sweater to find my sunglasses.

"Just the injury," I say, slipping the sunglasses on. "I'm extremely light sensitive. It's a lot better now."

"What will you do when you recover fully?" he says, staring at me from under a frown. "Will you leave Ipswich?"

"Yes," I say, and we start walking again. "Probably go back to university. I'm in pre-med, just finishing my last year of my Bachelor of Science."

"And when you're done? What field of medicine?"

I shrug. "Probably do a PhD and do medical research," I say. "My mother did medical research."

He nods his head slowly.

"It's a way to keep her with you, I suppose."

"I barely remember her,” I say. “She was murdered."

"Did they find her killer?”

I shake my head.

“No, it’s still cold. Some freak who’d been stalking her, I guess.”

He shakes his head, his face sad and we part, me taking the path up to the cottage and him walking the beach towards his own place.

I go back to the cottage and wonder what tonight will bring. I don't think I'm wrong to assume he's attracted to me and is seeking me out. It sends a little thrill to my belly.

Chapter 27

"There are two tragedies in life. One is to lose your heart's desire. The other is to gain it."

George Bernard Shaw
