Page 8 of Squeak

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I smiled sadly. I couldn’t help feeling jealous that someone else now had what I’d always craved from Keane. Unfortunately, one of the drawbacks of being a creation was that we couldn’t bond with other creations, just living tulpamancers. I held up a hand to pause her spiraling thoughts. “Keane, purr for her. Your omega is distressed, Alpha. Do what you know you need to.”

Keane’s eyes were panicked too, but instinct swept in to smooth the rough edges of this very real shitshow of a situation. As soon as he started the deep, quiet rumble of a sound, I watched tension drain out of Poppy until she cuddled up to him with a contented sigh. She smiled and blinked sleepily, and I smirked despite myself - they were so pretty together. It left me the odd man out, but that was alright - Keane was safe, and that’s what mattered most to me.

I shuffled closer to them, coaxing us all to sit on the floor of the trailer. I held Keane’s free hand, because I wasn’t sure how much longer I’d get to, and I needed comfort too. “You’re free, Keane. You know that, don’t you? You can’t belong to more than one tulpamancer, and unless Poppy releases you to another with a ritual, Zina can’t compel you anymore.”

Keane couldn’t look more shocked if he tried. “What, you’re saying that just because Poppy and I…?”

I shrugged and smiled, squeezing his hand. “According to the red book, Tulpamancers - natural ones - are insanely rare. It might have even been her latent magic pulling me in her direction in the first place, for all I know. Even entirely untrained, she trumps Zina any day of the week. There’s no chance borrowed magic can nullify your new bond, Keane.”

Poppy leaned her temple against Keane’s arm - this early on in the bond, they’d be driven to stay in close contact. “What Keane told me, though - this…this Zina of yours, isn’t she coming for you too? We have to keep you safe, Sebastian.”

My heart, created though it was, skipped a beat. I assumed they’d want to settle down somewhere as a pair, I’d already been mentally preparing myself to be ousted. The book was clear in that the relationships between tulpamancers and their creations immediately took precedence over any and all others previously in their lives. It was one of the reasons the magic was relatively rare - it was a giving oftwosides, rather than the one-sided control offered by most summoning magic. Zina had been working to pervert the idea of the tulpa bond to the latter sort, which is why I suspected she’d always failed.

Which brought up another interesting conundrum. Keane hadn’t made me leave - in fact, he’d cometome. According to the red book, Poppy should be in heat right now, and Keane should be in rut - eyes only for one another for a few days until the bond solidified.

Keane still held Poppy tight to his side, half in his lap, and neither of them looked like they were going anywhere. I leaned in, cautiously, pressing my lips to Keane’s. He dropped my hand and used his palm to caress my cheek like he always did, kissing me deeply until I was almost dizzy.

When I rocked back, there was nothing but pleasant heat in Poppy’s eyes, and the same look of want Keane always seemed to have around me. This was impossible, according to the lore, but here it was happening right in front of me. What should have been a mated pair was making ample room for me, right when they would normally be homicidally vicious about defending their pairing and nest.

Ah, shit, a nest. I’d never even considered that part, because after our first and only experience with a theoretical tulpamancer, Keane and I had no interest in ever meeting another. Poppy was an unexpected addition to our lives, and our saving grace, all at once. While my own Alpha nature was less prominent than Keane’s, it was still reacting to the presence of an Omega - even a sated one.

“Keane, we need to get Poppy a nest, I don’t think she’s going to feel safe or comfortable out in the open for a few days. Poppy, sweetheart, do you have a home? Keane and I don’t really have a need for one, so we can’t give you the nest you’ll need right now.” I cautiously stroked the outside of her arm, unbelievably relieved when she seemed to welcome it.

Could this actually work?

She nodded, eyes darting back and forth between the two of us uncertainly. Keane and I both growled, protective instincts forcing us to search out whatever threatened her. Shit,weneeded to get into her nest before we hurt someone as a perceived threat.

With a hastily-scribbled note about food poisoning, Poppy grabbed each of our hands and hustled us to her car, flushed and panting. The heat cycle the two of them had kicked off meant Poppy would be horribly uncomfortable without regular physical satisfaction. It was a mechanism meant to encourage newly-formed bond pairs to mate and knot, becoming attached in both a literal and metaphysical sense.

I was pleasantly surprised when Poppy reclined the driver’s seat of her car, dragging me closer by the front of my shirt and kissing me deeply. She shimmied her pants down off her hips and tugged Keane’s hand down into the parted denim, gasping with pleasure as his fingers slid deep into her.

“Just…help me take the edge off, both of you, please.” I found a windshield screen in the back and unfolded the shiny silver accordion over us as best I could, thankful she’d parked in a remote corner of the lot to begin with. We needed to get her into a nestsoon. I could already feel my own senses start to haze into rut - once she mated me, and hopefully she would, I’d be just as dazed as Keane.

Keane obediently worked her into a powerful frenzy, and I couldn’t resist tugging up her shirt and bra to mouth and tongue her nipples. Keane joined me by treating her other breast, and together we brought her to a panting, whining climax that left his palm utterly drenched. I licked his fingers clean, sharing kisses with both Poppy and Keane until she felt calm enough to drive.

Back at Poppy’s apartment, in a brief window of lucidity, we’d agreed to try an additional mate bond. What she’d done with Keane couldn’t be undone, and he and I didn’t want to leave one another. Hearing Keane declare his love for me, knowing he was in full rut with his omega mate, was the only proof I’d ever need that he well and truly loved me. Not because of shared trauma or even magical makeup, but because of who we were as created beings.

We dragged every soft pillow, blanket, and throw in her apartment into the bedroom, making a soft, dimly-lit divot for the three of us to ride out the heat cycle. I breathlessly watched Poppy and Keane enjoy another round with one another, a little sense coming back to her as his knot soothed her wild omega needs. In that clarity, she reached for me, her deliberate bite soft and tender, almost loving, against my shoulder. It was the same place she’d bitten Keane, and my heart thrilled to match them both.

Keane and I showed Poppy how to kiss and pull breath back to adjust our knots, if she wanted, but her smile told me she wouldn’t be doing that often. She did it in the nest, however, to make room for me. I drew her legs up onto my shoulders as I slid in, a freshly-satiated Keane holding my base to offer us the perfect glide of connection. When I bent down to gently bite the soft, delectable flesh of her thigh against my shoulder, I knew precisely what I’d been created for: this.

Three days later, having carefully kept Poppy fed, bathed, and hydrated between bouts, the mindless drive started to ease its delightful hold on us. Rather than dim our passion, however, it simply allowed us to be more imaginative in our connections. Poppy, after an initial adjustment period, had marveled over how bright and colorful we were in partial shift, pulling us over to fuck by the windows so she could watch the slant of deep purple and bright red sunlight through our translucent, hollow bodies.

With a mischievous grin, she aggressively wrestled me on the carpet for long moments, giggling wildly. When I caught my breath from laughing, she shoved me against the wall, bending over in front of me and taunting me to take her again. As eager as I was, I couldn’t move a muscle, a predicament that Keane laughed uproariously at - she called the magicstatic electricityand seemed oddly excited it ‘finally messed up my perfect hair.’ While I should have hated it, I secretly loved being forced to watch her with Keane while I couldn’t even give myself relief. While the effects of her strange magic wore off, Keane pushed her down on all fours where I could see everything, taking her from behind with the beautiful, passionate sound of squeaking latex echoing through her apartment, accompanied by Poppy’s ecstatic moans.

We’d eventually figured out that a tulpamancer could change our shape in very interesting ways, too. With deft fingers, and several assurances nothing hurt, she’d twisted Kean’s shaft into a temporary row of small, round bubbles instead of the thick column that both she and I were so fond of. After that had come the pleasant revelation that she enjoyed something else I did, too. As I buried myself knot-deep in her cunt from underneath her, Keane teased and penetrated her ass one small sculpted bubble at a time, pulling out at her moment of climax exactly as she’d begged us to.

On the last day of Poppy’s heat, Zina finally found us. By then, it was far too late - our bonds were well and truly sealed, and even our old keeper’s dramatic door-crashing entrance into Poppy’s apartment couldn’t separate our new family.

Heat-deadly and furious, our Omega tulpamancer let instinct guide her in removing a rival from her nest, shoving our former tormentor out into the balcony. Once there, she simply grabbed her by the hair, pressing a disgusted, loveless kiss to her lips - a kiss of death, from one true tulpamancer to a false one.

Both Keane and I learned something in that moment. Humans certainly weren’tmeantto be filled with helium, butcouldbe with enough determination. And if you filled them withenoughhelium, they’d literally float away until they became the airless stratosphere’s problem, rather than the earth’s.

We closed the balcony doors, Poppy brushed her teeth half a dozen times, and we settled back into the nest. It was a strange and beautiful happily ever after, and we made it our solemn mission - even after the heat ended - to find out all the ways that two balloons and an open-minded, mostly-human woman could twist themselves up in pleasure.
