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I stare at the form on my laptop screen and try my best not to pass out from nervousness. I take a breath and say, “Failure and rejection are part of success.”

That phrase has been part of my life for the last six months. Daddy makes me say it first thing in the morning. If he and I aren’t in the same place, I have to text it to him. He makes me say it a lot more than just first thing in the morning, too.

It helps.

It really helps when I dance and think I mess up or when I feel sluggish. It helps a whole lot. All of the times I say it before, though, really focus on the failure part. This is the first time I face possible rejection.

I click the button to send and wait. It takes a while for my video to upload but then suddenly, the screen announces that the form is sent. I let out a loud sigh. Hell, I feel like I’m going to pass out! I just stare at the screen and then I hear a key in the lock. Only Daddy has a key to my place, and I jump up and run. He hasn’t even let go of the doorknob before I have my legs wrapped around his waist and my arms around his shoulders.

“Daddy! I did it! I did it!”

He chuckles and one hand goes to my ass to keep me steady. He closes the door and walks me to the couch. He sets me down and sits next to me. “Tell me about it, princess.”

“I… I sent in the form to request an audition.”

His eyes open wide and he stares at me for several seconds before he says, “I’m so… wow. Little girl, I’m so proud of you.”

“I might not get an audition, Daddy,” I say. The production upcoming is by a very famous choreographer. I have absolutely nothing on my resume other than a degree that’s almost five years old. It’s highly unlikely I’ll get an audition and even if I do and nail the audition, it’s unlikely I’ll actually get a part.


“But that’s okay because failure and rejection are part of success,” I say with a smile.

He smiles back and says, “You keep interrupting and you’re going to get a spanking.”

I giggle and say, “Maybe I want a spanking.”

That turns the moment into pretty severe tickle torture. I really feel like he’s not going to show me any mercy at all as I shriek and laugh and kick my legs. He does show me mercy, though. He lifts me up onto his lap and kisses me softly.

I kiss him back hard.

I feel so suddenly free like I really took a giant step forward for the first time in a long time. I owe it all to Daddy. “It’s early, Daddy,” I whisper, “but let’s go to bed.”

His brow furrows and he jokes, “You want to sleep already?”

“Yep!” I say.

I run to the bedroom and curl up on the bed with my eyes closed. “Good night,” he says.

“Get your ass over here, little girl,” he says.

He grabs my legs and pulls me to him. I gasp when he pulls off my shorts and panties and then my gasp turns into a moan when he opens my legs and puts his mouth on my pussy.

He goes down on me a lot. I let it slip once how much I love when he does that because when I cum, he can hold me still and force me to take it longer than I ordinarily would. Of course, that means that every time he eats me out now, I nearly pass out from the multiple powerful orgasms he gives me.

This time is no different. I shriek and moan and gasp and cry out as my body writhes and jerks underneath him. My legs push on his back and my arms push on the bed as my body tries desperately to escape. He doesn’t let me and I stop counting when the fourth orgasm leads right into the fifth and I’m not sure if I’m having multiple orgasms or one really long one.

When he lifts up and slams into me, there’s no mistaking that my climax comes again. I cry out, “Oh God, Daddy!” and grip his shoulders tightly while he thrusts deep and hard into my throbbing pussy.

I can’t believe how wonderful Hunter is. Not just at sex, although when another climax follows on the heels of the first, I do think about how good he is and wonder idly if any other girl happens to be so lucky in bed as me.

What really amazes me about Hunter however is how he manages to so easily and completely remove every obstacle that prevented me from succeeding in the past. Well, just one obstacle really. With him, I feel confident and proud, and excited. I no longer have a crippling fear of failure because just as he taught me, I now understand that failure and rejection really are a part of success.

Did you know Albert Einstein’s math teacher once told him he would never amount to any good? Yep. The most famous physicist of all time was once told that he would never do anything noteworthy with his life. Imagine if he actually believed that teacher. So much of our modern understanding of the world wouldn’t exist.

I’m not ready to say that I could be a great dancer, but I believe I can be a dancer and that’s all thanks to Daddy.
