Page 47 of Ruthless Vow

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“He will once I’m done persuading him,” I joke. “In fact, I don’t have any classes for the rest of the day, so I’m going to take myself shopping for a new outfit.”

“I can’t wait to see it. Talk tonight!”

Juliet rings off, and I look around. Kyle is lurking nearby, so I beckon him over. “You’re going to hate me for this,” I tell him apologetically. “But how do you feel about hitting Fifth Avenue? I have a party dress to buy.”

He doesn’t look happy, spending the afternoon trailing around designer boutiques is probably the last thing he wants, but he gamely nods. “Whatever you want.”

“You’re a loyal employee,” I laugh, following him to the car. “I’ll be sure to ask Nero for a raise!”

I spend the afternoon shopping,and then the evening at home getting ready. By the time we arrive at the Sterling Cross party, both Nero and I are dressed to the nines: him in his tuxedo, and me in a flowing green gown with a plunging neckline, my hair pinned up in a chic bun on the top of my head.

Of course, he didn’t spend hours on hair and makeup, he just pulled a jacket on over his black T-shirt and ran his fingers through his hair. Men.

“Wow, looks amazing,” I say brightly as we pull up outside Cipriani 42nd Street. “Juliet said they were going all out, but this is something else.”

Nero barely grunts in answer, waiting as I get out of the car. He’s been quiet all evening. Distant. I’m hoping a night out on the town will help relax him, and be the distraction he needs, so I take his arm and steer him inside.

The building is large and impressive with its Italian Renaissance design and red carpet leading to the entrance. Inside the event space, there are high ceilings held up with marble columns and breathtaking chandeliers. The inlaid floor is full of people milling around, all dressed in designer clothes and expensive jewelry.

We fit right in.

Cocktails are being served, and we barely make more than five feet into the room before we’re stopped by a waiter with a tray of drinks. “Hmmm, I’ll take the Cross Cosmopolitan,” I decide, ordering from the special menu. “Nero?”

“Nothing for me,” he says shortly.

“Are you sure?” I ask.

Nero just waves the waiter away.

“Remember, there are lots of movers and shakers here,” I remind him, hoping that if he won’t force a smile for me, he’ll do it for his business. “Lots of great contacts for you, for the real estate development. Future clients, buyers, who knows…?”

But even that doesn’t shift the scowl from his face. I sigh, taking a sip of my drink. So much for a fun night. Still, we’re here now, so I guide us through the crowd, stopping and greeting familiar faces from all our social networking of the past months. It’s nice not to have an agenda this time, or be angling for certain introductions, and even with Nero silent beside me, I begin to have a good time.

Finally, we reach Juliet and Caleb, who have been holding court by some of the display cases showing off classic Sterling Cross designs. Juliet is beaming as soon as she lays eyes on us.

“I’m so glad you guys could make it,” she cries. “Lily, you look beautiful.”

“Thank you, and you’re a vision, as always.”

Juliet looks like a model in her red dress. She’s wearing diamond studs in her ears and a teardrop ruby pendant hanging from her necklace.

“Nero,” Caleb says with a nod. Nero returns the gesture, and Juliet and I share a smile.

“My god, don’t be so expressive,” she teases. “You’ll make a scene.”

Caleb laughs at that, but Nero doesn’t even crack a smile.

“There go the plans for a big double date,” Juliet continues quipping, clearly at ease with the tension that still lingers between the men: brothers in blood, and reluctant allies. “But I’m going to need more enthusiasm for our big announcement…” She beams wider, as Caleb puts his arm around her, pulling her close. “You already know, Lily, but we’re finally sharing the good news with everyone. I’m pregnant!”

I cheer and congratulate them again, giving Juliet a massive hug.

“Congratulations,” Nero says quietly. But that’s all. I manage to cover for him with excited questions, then suddenly, I see both Juliet and Caleb tense, looking past me.

I turn. A tall, impeccably-dressed man is approaching. Make that, sauntering. Head turn to watch him, and as he gets closer, I realize I recognize him. It’s Sebastian Wolfe, the English hedge-fund billionaire. Nero mentioned him being a business rival, but seeing the reactions from Caleb and Juliet, nobody here is a fan.

“Look, it’s all my favorite people,” Sebastian says with a smirk, as he draws closer. “Discussing me, are you?”

Juliet glares. “Why would we talk about someone so insignificant? And how did you get in here, anyway? You definitely weren’t invited.”
