Page 13 of Switched

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“Chase, you look well,” I reply, offering a half-smile.

“What is it you’ve come here for? I haven’t seen you in weeks, not even a peep, and all of a sudden you’d like to have a sit-down discussion with me.” He crosses his arms in front of his chest and stares me down. “I have five minutes, and I will not be sitting down.”

I snicker, shaking my head at what is nothing more than a childish play. “I’ve come here to explain to you why I am no longer going to be offering my services to anyone. Indefinitely, I will not be in the same line of work. After some thought and much deliberation, I’ve decided that it would be in the best interests for me to switch to a less stressful role, and to find a better fit for you as your Miss.”

Chase’s face contorts as he realizes what it is that I’m saying. “You’re going to be a submissive?” He questions, and I nod. “You… of all people?”

I nod again. “Yes. I am.”

“Where did this decision come from?” Chase asks, and I know very well that he doesn’t understand why I’ve made this decision.

“There have been a few things going on in my personal life, and I’ve had to re-evaluate what is the best for me, given some changes that have occurred. This decision isn’t one that I made lightly, Chase. I’d been thinking over it for the last few weeks, for as long as I haven’t been speaking to all of you. I needed time and space to reflect on what I needed, and what would be the best for all of you. I could never bear to continue being a Miss to anyone if my heart was no longer in it, and while I love you all dearly, I know that I’m not in the best mindset to give you all that you need and deserve.”

Chase nods, relaxing his arms a bit as he looks at me. “I’m glad that you’re doing something for yourself for once instead of putting our needs above your own. I am curious though. If you know of anyone who would… appreciate my tastes.”

I smile, seeing the sweet Chase come out of his shell. “Yes, I do in fact. She’s beautiful, blonde, and a lawyer. Feisty as hell and quick on her feet, but also extremely compassionate.” I saw Miss. Sharpe at the club two nights ago. It was awkward as heck when we locked eyes. I’ve only ever seen her in the professional light, and never in a personal one. Had no idea she was part of the lifestyle and had never once seen her in the club. It turned out that the other day was her first time in and that she usually goes to her club in her hometown of L.A. every couple of weeks when she flies out for business. We both got to talking and I realized that she’d be a great fit for Chase if he’s looking for something more serious. “Her name is Nora Sharpe. She’s a criminal defense lawyer, and did I mention she’s gorgeous?”

Chase chuckles. “You might have mentioned it.” I dig into my purse and pull out one of her business cards, handing it out to him.

“Give her a call, go out for dinner. You never know what will happen. I could be wrong, but I really think you two could get along well, but Chase…,” I pause, wondering how I should word this for him. “She’s not looking for an arrangement like you and I had. She wants something real, someone to come home to every night and hold, maybe even a father for her kids. I’m not sure, but she wants something that she can hold onto. Are you ready for that?”

“Yes, I have been for a long time, Candace. I only stuck to our arrangement because I knew it was the only way I could keep you, and I didn’t want to risk losing you forever. It seems like life had different plans for us, though.”

I nod in agreement, “Yes, it sure seems that way.”

Chapter 18


Youneedtoleave,Jackson. I think you’ve had enough. Go get in the cab that Thomas called for you and sleep it off,” Dennis urges him. He’s one of the bartenders who work at Club Crimson, a sweet kid who is a kinky fuck himself. Every time I stare at him, I swear he’d be the perfect match with my old girl, Lusy. Those two… Jesus, I’d kill just to watch them go at it.

“I haven’t had enough!” Jackson belligerently argues with Dennis, shoving him out of his grip. It’s obvious that he’s plastered, and Dennis did the right thing by taking his keys and calling a cab for him. Jackson shoves at him again and at this point, I feel it’s my cue to stop staring from the sidelines and interject.

Normally, I’d sit back and let Drake handle it, but he isn’t here. So, that means I don’t have any problem being the alpha bitch we all know I am, and handling the situation. Jackson is a nice guy, I don’t know why he’s decided to go and get this drunk tonight. I wonder if he lost really badly again at one of the casinos. I take a deep breath and shake my head, hoping that isn’t the case. I don’t know how the man has a shoebox to his name with his struck of no luck. He’s been on a losing streak for months…

“Hey Jack,” I say to him, all smiles. “What’s been going on tonight, bud?”

He twists his nose up at me and looks around. “Where’s the better? He always said he would win. I want to know if he lost too!” I can barely make out the last bit as Jackson throws his head in every direction looking for something. I have no clue what it is that he’s searching for.

“What are you looking for?” I ask, needing to figure this out for him.

“Your – what is he now? Is he… your… Dom?” Jackson asks, pausing in the middle of what he’s saying. I furrow my brows, surprised that Drake has even said anything yet. I may have accepted his collar the other night, but we haven’t had my collaring ceremony. I thought we’d wait at least until that before we spoke about our relationship publicly. I mean, I don’t mind that he told his friends, but he could have given me a heads up.

“Uh, yes. He is.” I say to him, seeing the angered look in his eyes. I really don’t understand what’s going on right now.

“He won the fucking bet! Dammit! All I do is lose. I lose at the casino. I lose to Drake on the bet for you!”

Bet for me? What the hell does that mean?

My expression fades from concern to bewilderment, putting together small pieces of the puzzle but they just aren’t quite fitting, and the only person who can help me figure it out is plastered. “Jackson, what do you mean Drake lost the bet to you for me?”

“We had a bet with Drake on whether or not…” Jackson hiccups and chuckles for a moment, “whether or not he could make you switch.”

I take a step back away from Jackson, needing some damn space. I was a bet? I was something he had bet on against Jackson… what in the ever-loving fuck. I redirect my attention from Jackson to Thomas, who’s seated a few feet away at the bar and can undoubtedly hear everything that was just said.

“Would you care to elaborate on what drunky just told me?” I hiss out.

“You should speak to Drake about it, Candace. I don’t have anything to say.”
