Page 10 of Cowboy Bred

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Toni and Tempest stood up. “Let’s go meet this girl. I can’t wait to see what caught your eye, Liam.” Toni grins impishly and I shake my head. I’m sure as hell glad that I don’t have to keep tabs on the little troublemaker. That’s Carson’s job. A job he takes very seriously.

“Don’t cause trouble, Toni! You know how you get. I don’t want you embarrassing Candy.”

She glares at me and then eyes Carson. “I’m sure that you have something to say as well.”

He holds his hand up. “Hey, don’t ask me. I’m not the enemy here. I’m just along for the ride, baby.”

“I’d run you up and introduce you…”

“No way!” All three of the women shriek. All four of us men jump and stare at them.

“That’s bad luck,” Spring growls.

“I don’t believe in bad luck,” I grunt, heading to open the door when there’s another knock, this one not quite as loud and as long as theirs.

The round-cheeked minister grins. “Hello, Liam! Ready for the big day?”

“I am so f-reaking ready,” I growl, whipping the door open and practically dragging the man inside.

“Well, we’ll have you and the young lady hitched here in no time.”


“Where is the bride?” he asks quietly, studying me closely.

“She’s getting ready. The girls just headed up to help her out so it shouldn’t be too much longer.”

Half an hour later and my taut nerve endings are jumping. My eyes feel like they’re out of focus and I’m about to jump out of my skin when there’s a soft murmur and swishing coming down the stairs.

All of the men look up and jaws drop all around. “”Wow!” I whisper, my heed reeling. I stand up like a man in a fog.

Moving closer, I step up to a blushing Candy. “You look truly beautiful, Candy.”

She looks down and her hands twist in the silky, pale cream fabric. “The girls brought this dress for me to wear. I wasn’t sure if I should since this is a …”. Her eyes lift to mine and I lift a dark brow. “Well, you know what this is. So I didn’t really think I needed a wedding dress but they were insistent.”

“Well, I’m glad they insisted. You’re fucking stunning.” My lips tip up. My heart crashes into my ribs. This lovely creature is going to be mine. Today, tonight, for always. No other man will ever touch her or taste her. Just me.

The need to mark her, make sure that other men know. Don’t touch this woman. She’s all mine. Keep away.

I know dogs pee on their territory. Cats too. If I could figure out how to do it without being thoroughly disgusting, I would. But as it is, all I can do is keep an eye on Candy. Make sure that everyone knows. This girl is mine.

We all line up and the preacher starts the service. He’s focused and driven. And nothing takes his attention from his assigned service.

To join these two people.

The buzzing of sound is all around us but all I can see is her startlingly blue eyes.

The words come out of my mouth and I smile softly when I see her shy smile. She says her part and then we’re married. And within seconds I’ve got her bent over my arm, kissing the hell out of her. I feel a rubber band snap and I let it all come out. The crazy. The fire, the need.

And later I wave good-bye to everyone else. She climbs the stairs with me and I leave her alone, all to herself to get changed for our first night together. I head down the stairs again and fix myself a drink, watching for her.

When I see her, I almost drop the drink in my hand. My breath hisses out and I turn to set the drink down, stepping towards the stairs. Stepping towards my walking fantasy. My future. The mother of the houseful of kids I want.

My wife.
