Page 15 of Cowboy Bred

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My heart sinkswhen I hear Liam making his coffee before he leaves to take care of the animals. I sit up in bed, pushing my hands through my hair.

Tears crowd my eyes. Why is this so hard? It was a simple deal. My body for a family. No mention of feelings. But he’s so damn sweet and loving. I’ve fallen more in love with him every day and it hurts when I think about spending the next twenty or so years with him taking care of a family with no love.

Oh, not for the kids. I know we’ll both love our kids. Me probably more than him because these kids will be a melding of the two of us. A visible reminder of what we’ve done. What we could have been.

I slide out from under the covers, pushing the curtains out of the way to watch him stride out to the barn. His long, lean body tenses and he glances up at the window and I duck behind the wall, my breath stalling, heart pounding.

I dress quickly and slip quietly out of the house to the new truck that he insists on letting me drive. I wait and watch until he leaves on the mare he usually rides to go out and check the cattle and horses.

Then I start the truck and turn towards where I know the Hard Luck Ranch is. I need some girl talk before I decide to do something that can’t be fixed.

Half an hour later, I’m pulling into the yard and Clay comes out, his eyebrows raised.

“Hi, Candy. You alright? Need some help?”

And before I can stop myself, I put my head down on the steering wheel and sob, deep wrenching sobs that tear through me.

“Whoa! Hang on! Are you hurt? Is Liam okay?”

He helps me out of the truck and groans when my legs try to collapse out from under me.

He picks me up and carries me in the house. “Shit,” he mutters, “I wish Liam was here.” His laser-blue eyes find mine. “You better not tell him that I carried you. I like my arms right where they’re at.”

I nod weakly and sigh. “I can walk now. You can set me down.” He sets me down quickly. Tempest and Spring follow us in.

“What’s going on?” Spring asks, her eyes concerned.

“I don’t know. She says nobody’s hurt. So if y’all can figure it out, I’d appreciate it. I’ve got to get to work soon.”

I sit down and both women smile gently. Spring pats my hand. “What is it, honey? What’s wrong?”

My face falls, tears streaming down my cheeks. “He doesn’t love me and I love him so much it hurts not to tell him.”

All three of them stare at me with their mouths hanging open. “Oh, honey. He does love you. He’s just not great with the words. Kind of like some other men I know.” Spring shoots a little glare at her husband.

Clay holds his hands up. “Okay. This is where I go. You girls can take care of this, right?”

Both of them nod and he hightails it out of there like his ass is on fire.

Then the girls turn their focus on me. “Now what’s really going on. Because you look like a girl who’s lost her best friend.”

I stare down at my hands twisting in my lap. “I think I’m pregnant.”

“That’s wonderful!” Tempest says. “Exactly what you both wanted, I think. So what’s the problem?”

“Now he doesn’t have any reason to touch me. I’m pregnant. No more sex and no more sleeping with me. Being with me. He’s got what he wanted.”

Both of them shake their head. “No way. Liam is in love with you. He’s been alone a long time. He’s more of the show rather than tell kind of guy. And every single thing he does says love if you ask me,” Tempest says.

I crinkle my brow. “Are you sure?”

“Absolutely.” Both of them nod their agreement then smirk when the door slams and boots stomp out in the hall.

“Candy? What the hell? Where are you?” Liam storms into the room with Clay behind him.

I glare at Clay but the other two women just grin, watching the show.
