Page 3 of Cowboy Bred

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It’s a slow,gradual, painful climb out of the darkness and into noise and light.

“I’m telling you. You’re not moving her! She’s fine where she’s at! Nobody’s taking her anywhere!” The deep, husky growl makes my body catch fire. It’s familiar and I remember seeing him at the accident, his dark eyes locked on mine, burning with something. Something that made my body ache with need. Even when I was struggling to process all the various parts of me that hurts.

Pain lances through my head when I try to move it.

“Dammit, you grumpy bastard! The doc and Poppy said they’ll make sure that she’s taken care of. You can’t take care of her as well as they can!”

“You’re not taking her anywhere.” A smile tilts my lips at the gruff annoyance in his deep voice. Shivers roll across my body, settling in my belly.

“I don’t want to go anywhere. I’m sure I’m alright. I hate hospitals,” I mumble.

“You see! She’s fine here! She doesn’t like hospitals! Shit!” Seconds later, a big shape collapses into a chair beside the bed. My eyes open and I squint, trying to see in the bright light coming in the windows.

He grunts and pulls the curtains. The dim light soothes my aching head. And now I can see him. Dark, worried eyes under knitted dark brows. Tanned and muscular. Firm yet full lips, a red stain darkening his cheeks while his eyes darken to ebony night. He licks his lips and his eyes caress my face, making me want to purr. To stretch out and let his fingers dance on my body.

I narrow my eyes. What the hell is going on with me? I’ve never even wanted a man to kiss me. Now I’m thinking about so much more than that. Maybe I hit my head harder than I thought.

His cool, strong, rough fingers touch my cheek, the pad of his thumb grazing my lips. Need slams into me like a freight train. Hot and heavy feelings course through my limbs.

“Candy?” he growls and oh shit! I feel tingles zipping along under my skin, stinging me from the inside out.

“You didn’t tell me your name yet.” I whisper, my own fingers reaching out to cling to his, tightening when his breath hisses out like I’ve burned him.

I feel the heat of him envelop me. Claim me. I’m his. I don’t even know his name but I know that I’m his. Know it like I know the heart that squeezes with hunger when he says my name.

“Liam,” he grunts, his dark eyes locked on mine. His hand caressing my cheek softly, like I’m the most delicate, dainty thing he’s ever seen. I turn my cheek and rest it in his hand. Where it belongs. Where it will always belong.

“Uh-umm.” The deep throat clearing draws my eyes reluctantly away from his. A dark haired man with cold gray eyes stands there, a stethoscope around his neck.

“I hate to break this up. But I really think you should at least come and stay at the clinic for a day or two. So we can make sure that you don’t have a worse concussion than I think you do.”

A red-haired woman stands at his side and her eyes are kind but her body language is stiff. Uncomfortable. His big body accidentally brushes against her when he moves closer to me and she flinches away. Her cheeks flush and she mutters under her breath.

I don’t understand it at all but I know one damn thing… “I’m not going anywhere,” I declare stubbornly.

The big man’s lips tighten. “I don’t think that’s wise. Liam here can’t take care of you as well as we can.”

I shove myself up in the bed, hissing when the room tilts slightly. Liam moves quickly, his big body sliding behind me, holding me gently. I lean back into his body, feeling relief wash over me. This is where I’m meant to be. With him.

“I’m not going anywhere.” I grab hold of Liam’s hand and hold it tightly. “He’ll take care of me.”

Another man moves closer and his bright blue eyes squint at me. My head whirls. I’ve never seen so many big, handsome-as-hell men. I’m starting to feel claustrophobic and I turn into the man cradling me gently against his big body. He feels like home. Like what I’ve always been waiting for.

It’s the weirdest damn thing. I’ve never believed in love at first sight but I’m rethinking that.

“I really think that you should stay at the clinic, miss. Liam can come visit you.” The big, warm body behind me stiffens and I hear him growl like an animal.

A smile curls my lips. “I think I’m alright where I am.”

The other men and the woman roll their eyes almost collectively but they give up on moving me.

“Fine,” the doctor grunts. “I’ll give Liam here a list of instructions that he needs to follow to the letter.” He glares him down and the mutter behind me makes me chuckle. It sounded an awful lot like a bunch of swear words strung together.

“Poppy or I will stop in every day for the next week to make sure that you’re alright but I imagine after a few days that you’ll be able to get up and around. I just would prefer that you don’t travel anymore for at least a week.”

My breath stalls, my heart collapsing painfully. This isn’t my home. This isn’t my man. This isn’t my life and sooner or later I’ll have to leave and make my way to the future that tastes like ash in my mouth since I met Liam.
