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“That doesn’t mean you can invite yourself here. Usually, when a girl doesn’t show up, it’s because she probably doesn’t want to have dinner with you.”

“Huh, is that what it means? It’s never happened before so I wasn’t sure. Thanks for clearing that up for me.” I grab a box of some kind of beef stir-fry and take a bite. “So, why is it exactly that you didn’t want to have dinner with me?”

Holly coughs on the food she was chewing. “I… um… I don’t do very well on first dates. Not that I thought your invite was a date or anything. I just… I don’t do dinner, well, with men.”

“It’s a date, Holly. And it seems to me like you’re doing dinner with a man right now.”

“This is not a date; this is you barging your way into my home and eating my food.” She smiles.

“All right, let me take you on a real date then—tomorrow.”

“Mmm, I’ll think about it.”

“Okay. So, how do you like New York so far?” I ask her.

“How do you know I’m new to New York?”

Shit, I can’t tell her that I had her investigated. “Lucky guess. You have no furniture in your apartment and you’re unpacking what looks like every kitchen utensil known to mankind.”

“Well, tomorrow is furniture shopping day. Today was kitchen day. I can live without a couch, but I cannot live without a stocked kitchen.”

“Where did you move from?”

“Sydney,” she says, though I already know the answer.

“Why New York?”

“Ah, no. It’s my turn. I don’t even know your name? Who are you and what do you do?”

“I’m Theo Valentino. I’m an entrepreneur.” I hold my hand out to shake hers. It was a mistake, because the moment her soft hand clasps mine, little shocks run up my arm. I wrap my palm around hers and bring it to my mouth, placing a light kiss on her wrist before letting her go. I want to kiss every creamy inch of her skin. I want to lick and bite and mark her as mine.

“I’m Holly, but you already know that.”

“Well, Holly, it’s nice to meet you. So, what brings you to New York?” I ask again.

“I just wanted a fresh start, something different. Have you ever felt like you were hidden in the shadows, and you just couldn’t find your way out?”

“More than you could possibly know.”

“Well, that was my life in Sydney. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t horrible, just… boring. Predictable. Plus, my sister got married and is starting her new life with her husband. I didn’t want to be the third wheel anymore.”

“Are you close with your sister?”

“Very—we’re twins. Probably couldn’t get much closer. That was her. Before. On the phone.”

“That would explain why she looked so much like you. Any other siblings?” I ask, already knowing the answer, but it seems like the next natural question. Besides, hearing about her lifefrom heris far more informative than reading about it in a report. How much will she tell me? What parts will she hold back? Does her past still inflict pain? Why is she really here? None of that can be conveyed by a piece of paper.

“A brother, Dylan. He passed away a few years ago.” Her eyes glass over with a sudden sadness.

“I’m sorry.” I’ve been around death for as long as I can remember, yet I can’t for the life of me figure out the right words to comfort Holly. I know from the report I received earlier that her brother died in a car accident at the fault of a drunk driver. I also know that her father is currently incarcerated for killing the fucker behind the wheel. I need to figure out who we have in Sydney to get her father out. No man should be in jail for defending his own.

“It’s not your fault. It’s okay. Anyway, it’s been just Reilly, me, and Mum for a while now… so to be here alone is a little overwhelming. But I’m standing by my choice.”

“What about your dad? Where is he?” I ask, wondering if she’ll make something up or not.

“He’s… um… He’s in jail. Back home. What about you, any siblings?”

I love that she was honest. I can tell it’s not an easy topic for her, so I’ll let her change it. “No siblings. Guess my folks got it right the first time and didn’t see a need to go back for more.” I laugh.

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