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“I was fucking working on it. You should have left it alone.” By now, everyone in the kitchen knows the truth. It doesn’t matter though; not a single one of them will live long enough to tell a soul. “Neo, get her the fuck out of here. I’ll fix this for you, L. But you and I—we are done. And so is our friendship.”

“I didn’t have a choice, T.”

“There’s always a choice, and you chose wrong.”

* * *

Half an hour later, I’m tearing up Lana’s place. The kitchen looks like a fucking slaughterhouse.I guess, technically, it is.I’m covered in blood. And I’ve got so much rage left in me. I know I’m losing my goddamn mind. I can feel myself skidding into dangerously uncontrolled territory. I’m always able to rein those emotions in, but right now, my hold’s slipping.

Neo had the newly appointed widows taken back to my father’s house. I don’t know where Lana’s disappeared to. But if she’s smart, she’ll run and not show her face around me again.

I’m lifting another vase, to throw it across the room, when I hearhervoice. “Theo?”


Have you ever had that feeling in your gut that something horrible was happening, but you had no idea what it was or how to stop it?

I have that right now. I don’t know what exactly, but I can sense that something terrible has happened. At first, I called Reilly. I thought something was wrong with her. But she was fine. Usually, when I feel this, it’s because Reilly is upset or in trouble.

She could tell I wasn’t okay. I had to make up some bullshit, saying I was nervous about starting the new job. I don’t think she bought into it, but she did let it go. I’m not okay though. I have no idea what to do other than walk up and down the tiny space of my living room, clenching my phone in my hands.

I’ve tried calling Theo. I’ve actually called him ten times, and he hasn’t answered. Maybe I could walk down to the coffee shop and ask Helena if she knows anything? Or if she has another way of getting ahold of him?

I’m more than likely overreacting. This feeling could just be my ugly jealousy rising up because of where and what Theo is doing right now. I know he and Lana both swear black and blue that they will not go through with this wedding… But there is this small voice in the back of my head telling me they will… if they can’t find a way out.

Neither of them will have a choice.

I’ve learnt a few things about the way Theo’s family works over the last week, including the fact that they have very strict traditions and rituals. Do I understand them? Absolutely not. But I’ve fallen head over heels in love with this man. It’s an irrational, soul-consuming love—unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. And if I were to lose Theo, I know I’d never find anything like it again. This man is my once-in-a-lifetime love. The one all the fairy tales sell you on. Except, instead of a charming prince with a fancy castle, I scored myself a dark prince with a throne built on secrets, lies, blood, and crime. Though, from what Theo tells me, there’s much more than that to his empire. There’s also loyalty, trust, and faith.

I try to call him again and again, but his phone goes straight to voicemail. I don’t know if I’d survive if something were to happen to him. I’m not strong like Reilly. I can’t imagine what she went through when Bray was shot—the months she spent at his bedside while he was in a coma and wouldn’t wake up. I thought I understood her pain back then. But it’s only now, as I am plagued by this fear of something happening to Theo, that I truly get it. And the fact that he came home last night beaten and bloodied is not helping. What if he’s been hurt again?

I know something is wrong. He needs me, and I don’t know how to get to him or where to even start looking. I’m resigned to heading over to Helena’s when there’s banging on the door.Thank God. He’s here!Swinging it open, I call out, “Theo, where the hell…” My words trail off and my stomach drops. It’s not him. Instead, Neo is standing there.Alone.I shake my head. “No… Where is he, Neo? What happened?”

“Holly, he’s okay… In sorts. I need you to come with me though.Somethinghas happened. And I believe you’re the only person who can actually help him right now.”

I don’t think twice about it. I pick up my keys from the hall table and lock the door. “What’s going on? Where is he?”

“I’ll tell you in the car, not here.” Neo guides me out of the building. I struggle to keep up with his pace.

Once we’re in the car, he has it screeching out into traffic. Horns beep and people curse before they quickly turn their heads the other way, like they didn’t see anything. That’s something that happens a lot when I’m with Theo: people don’t make eye contact with him. I’ve even seen some purposely cross the street to avoid his path.

“Okay, tell me what the hell happened? What’s wrong?” I’m going out of my mind, conjuring up all the ways Theo could be hurt.

“His father was murdered at dinner, along with Lana’s,” Neo answers.

“What? How? Is Theo… is he hurt?”

“He’s fine. They were poisoned. Theo’s not taking it too well, which is understandable.”

“Well, his father just died—of course he’s not fucking taking it well. What did you expect?” I will go down defending Theo no matter what. Even if it’s to his cousin.

“You don’t understand, Holly. When Theo doesn’t handle thingswell, it gets very messy very quickly.”

“You’re right: I don’t understand. So, simplify it for me, in layman’s terms.”

“He’s gone on a rampage. Lana’s house is a fucking bloodbath. Prepare yourself, because the Theo you know is not the same man you’re about to walk in on. Right now, he’s hurting and if you love him like you claim, then you need to help him.”

“He doesn’t know you came to get me, does he?” I ask.
