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“Andyou’re insaneif you think you have a choice.”

“Really? You know what? I’m over this day already. I’m going for a shower.”

I watch as she storms towards the bedroom, throwing her bag down before kicking her shoes off and flinging them at the wall. Well, fuck, now’s probably not the time to tell her how fucking cute she is...

Deciding to let her have some space to cool down on her own, I head into my office and call Neo. “Boss? You’re still alive. I was worried there for a minute,” he answers.

“Fuck off. I’ve got the signed papers on my desk. Come get them and make sure they’re processed through the appropriate channels. Also, look into the security at Willow Prep. Holly’s insisting on keeping her job.”

“Why the fuck would she want to keep her job? Does she understand who she married? What she married into?”

“To be honest, I don’t think she knows the extent of the Valentino Empire. It’s fine. If she wants to teach, she can fucking teach.”

“Okay, well, don’t get your panties in a fucking twist. I’ll look into their security.”

“Thank you.”

“Hey, boss, can I be there when you break the news to Aunt Gloria that you went and got married without her?” He laughs. Fuck, my mother is going to have a fucking fit.

“Fuck off. I’ll tell her after the funeral,” I say. I don’t need to put extra stress on my mother. I hang up and go in search of my new bride.

Heading into the bedroom, I find Holly curled up in bed. I go and shower the grime of the day off before climbing in behind her. Reaching out, I tug her towards me. “I’m sorry it had to be this way. We should have had more time to date. I should have had more time to make you fall in love with me,” I whisper, kissing her just under her ear.

Holly rolls over and wraps her arms around my neck. “I couldn’t be more in love with you if I tried. Do I like the situation? No, not at all. But I realized something while I was in the shower. It’s where I do my best thinking.” She smiles.

“And what did you realize?” I kiss her forehead. It’s like my lips are drawn to her, wanting to land on her skin as often as humanly possible.

“I realized that this is our story, Theo. It doesn’t have to be like everyone else’s. It doesn’t have to follow societal norms or play out as the people around us expect, becausethis is our story. It’s about us and what we want to do. It’s our happily ever after, and we get to set the pace of our own narrative, no one else. Just us.”

Well, fuck, I knew Holly was smart, but this has to be the best fucking thing I’ve ever heard. “I fucking love you, and I love our story. I promise I will always strive to give you the happily ever after you deserve.”

“You already gave me that, Theo.” She pauses. “Okay, there may have been a moment when I wanted to kick you in the balls today, but it was short-lived. I love you.”

“I scared you today. I never want you to be afraid of me, Holly.” I kiss her lips gently.

“Well, you should work on your temper then. I don’t do confrontation well, Theo. I never have.”

“I think you do better than you think. Holly, you held a gun to a mafia Don’s head today without even flinching.” At the time, I was enraged… and terrifiedforher. But, now that I think about it, I couldn’t be prouder.

“I only did that because I thought something bad would happen to you. It’s different when I see someone hurting you. I want to do anything I can to stop it. It’s second nature.”

“And I love that about you. But you can’t go around shooting everyoneorthreatening to. I’m a big boy, Holly. I’ve been at this game a long time. I can handle myself. I don’t want you worrying about me.”

“Well, I think as your wife, it’s inevitable that I’m going to worry.”

“Say it again,” I urge her. I need to hear her say it.

“Say what?”

“That you’re my wife.”

“I’m your wife.” She laughs.

“Fuck me, hearing you say that makes me fucking hard. I think it’s about time we consummated this marriage of ours, don’t you?”

“Technically, we were married two days ago, and we’veconsummatedplenty of times in the last forty-eight hours, so…” Her words trail off as I make my descent, down the length of her body and to the nirvana I find between her legs. “Ah, sure, maybe we should consummate again—just to, you know, make sure we’ve done it right and all. Oh, bloody hell, T, don’t stop.”

Holly’s hands tangle in my hair as my tongue swirls around her nub. “Fuck, you’re the sweetest thing I’ve ever had. I’m never going to get enough of you.”
