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“He did not. You’re lying.”

Neo shrugs. “Call her up and ask her yourself.”

“No, I believe you. He probably would do something that stupid.” I smile at the thought.


I’m watching the service from upstairs, hiding out in the church’s attic. It’s simple, not many words are said. But watching my mother and Holly suffer through this is too much. Holly knows it’s not real, yet she looks as heartbroken as she did before learning the truth. Either she’s a great actress, or this really is taking a fucking toll on her.

I have a jet ready to fly me to Italy, and as soon as I know Holly is on her way back to Sydney, I’ll be gone too. I was supposed to leave two days ago. I just couldn’t go, knowing she’d be here alone.

I’ve ignored the messages and calls from the other three. They can all go fuck themselves. I don’t trust a single fucking one of them. They wanted a ghost? Well, now they have one. I’ve spoken to Uncle Gabe, filled him in on what’s happening. He’s seated in the pew next to his son. Neo looks pissed off at the world, though that’s not much different from how he usually looks. He’s been giving me the cold shoulder the last two days. He’s pissed that I pulled Holly further into this by telling her I was alive. I don’t know what he expected me to do. I couldn’t just sit back any longer and watch her break. At least now she knows I’m coming home. Nothing is going to stop me from fucking coming home to her.

The service concludes, and Holly stands with her sister and my mother. She looks up, almost like she’s staring right at me. It’s impossible for her to know that I’m here. But it’s as if she can feel my presence nonetheless. Her sister whispers something in her ear, and she nods before walking down the center aisle. I’m just about to slip out the back when the three fucking men I’ve been avoiding walk in and approach my wife. My teeth grind as I watch them greet her with their condolences. Motherfuckers. Thankfully, five of my guys interject and surround her—one going as far as to stepin frontof her.

Sonnie, I think his name is. I’ll have to remember to give him a raise. He says something to the Dons, and they each respond with a similar glower. Neo and Uncle Gabe appear at her side, before leading her out of the church and into the waiting SUV. Confident that she’s safe now, I jump into my beater car and follow them all the way to the airport. I watch her get out and climb the steps of the jet with her twin. Then I pull out my phone and send off a text.

Me: You look absolutely stunning today, dolcezza. Try to relax and have fun with your friends and family. Ti amo, sempre.

I glance back up at the jet, and Holly appears at the door with that same guard from inside the church. Again, he steps forward to shield her from view. Interesting… I feel like I’ve missed a lot being gone. She’s either gained their respect, or Neo’s put the fear of God into them. Holly scans the airfield, placing a palm to her forehead to block the sun, before her eyes land on my windshield. She pulls her phone out and types a message, my inbox pinging moments later.

Mine: I like your other car better, but if we had to disappear and live off the grid, I'd follow you anywhere in anything. Ti amo, sempre. Torna da me.

Come back to me.I read her message twice.

Always, dolcezza. Never doubt that.

* * *

I wait and watch Holly take off, before driving around to the hanger and boarding my own flight. Sitting down on the luxury upholstery, I close my eyes, only to open them when I feel someone occupy the seat next to me. I groan when I realize who it is. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

“You didn’t think I’d let you go off on a suicide mission alone, did you?”

“It’s not a fucking suicide mission. And I don’t needor wantyou here.”

“Too bad. We’re here, and we’re helping. It’s partly my fault you got dragged into this mess in the first place. Well, not mine, but my family’s anyway.”

“It’s solely your fucking family’s fault, L. Do you have any idea what kind of shit your father and brother were into? Did you know?”

“I had my suspicions, but I didn’t know for sure,” she answers.

“Wait,we? You saidwe’rehere to help. Who else is on this fucking jet, L?”

“Ah, about that… Don’t get mad, T. But he wouldn’t let me come without him.” I know who it is before she even says his name: the fucking Russian. “Alexei promised to be on his best behavior. You’ll barely notice he’s here.”

“You brought a fucking Russian on my jet, and you think I won’t notice he’s here?” I shake my head. “We’re going to Italy, L. You’re bringing a fucking Russian to Italy? I thought you were smarter than that.”

“Well, I couldn’t let you do this alone. And he wouldn’t take no for an answer. Don’t worry about Alexei. He can handle himself just fine, trust me.” She shrugs. “So… I hear I have you to thank for blowing my brother to pieces.”

I groan. I don’t want to deal with this right now. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, but I’m sure he won’t be missed by anyone.”

“You’re right. He won’t. Uncle Caleb is looking to take over. He’ll get it cleaned up and restore the family name.” Huh, I like her Uncle Caleb. We went to school together. He’s the product of one of her grandfather’s affairs. I’m surprised they’re allowing an illegitimate son to run things. But it’s not my place to tell another family how to handle their shit—not when it doesn’t affect me and mine. “So, how’s it feel to be dead? Your service was very plain for someone of your caliber. I would have thought your mother and wife would have put more effort into it,” Lana muses.

“L, don’t think I won’t fucking kill you and throw you out the door over the fucking Atlantic Ocean. Don’t ever fucking speak disrespectfully about my wife again,” I growl.

“Wait! I wasn’t. I happen to like Holly very much—much more than I like your grumpy ass right now. I just thought it would be more of a send-off. Unless she knows.”

“Shut up. I’m really not in the mood.” Thefasten seat beltsign dims, and I stand before making my way over to the bar and pouring myself a glass of whisky. “How’d you know I’d be here anyway?” I ask her.
