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“Why?” I ask, jogging in an attempt to keep up with his long, fast strides.

“No reason. I just wanted to walk for a bit.”

“Yeah, and I’m Mary bloody Poppins. Don’t lie to me, Theo.”

“Okay, there was a car parked across the road—it wasn’t one of ours. It belongs to the Gambinos. They shouldn’t be here.”

“See? Was that so hard?” I can’t help but sass him.

“Yes, it was, actually. All I want to do is protect you, Holly. You make that fucking hard to do sometimes.”

“Yeah, well, you’re making a lot of things harder than they need to be. All you have to do is tell me. Stop treating me like I’m a fragile piece of glass. I’m not going to break on you, T.”

“I know you’re not going to break. You are stronger than any made man I’ve ever met, dolcezza.”

“Thank—”Oh shit…My hand tries to tighten around his. The ground beneath me starts spinning, and then I’m falling…

“Fuck!” I faintly hear Theo shout. Who’s he yelling at?


“Why the fuck isn’t she waking up? What the fuck is wrong with her? Someone better do something real fucking soon, before I blow a hole through all of your useless fucking brains.” I pick up a water pitcher and throw it against the wall.

“Mr. Valentino, she will wake up. All the scans came up with nothing. She fainted. It’s common. We just need to give her body time to recover.”

“It’s not fucking common to faint and not come back to. It’s been an hour. She should be awake by now. What kind of cereal box did you get your degree from? Fucking useless. Neo, find a fucking doctor who knows what he’s doing.”

“T, you need to calm the fuck down. Listen to me. She’s going to wake up any minute now. Just give it a bit of time,” Neo says.

“Time? Fuck off with your time. I want her to wake up now! She needs to fucking wake up.” At this point, I don’t even know who I’m yelling at. When Holly fainted in the cemetery, I caught her, ran to the fucking car, and rushed her to the closest ER. These useless fucks have done nothing but put her through some scan machines, and they’re telling me that she’ll wake up when she’s ready. Fuck that. I’m not waiting around for these fuckers to get their thumbs out of their fucking asses. “Fine, if no one else will do it, I’ll do it my damn self.” I whip my phone out of my pocket and call the family doc.

He answers on the first ring—that’s what we fucking pay him for. “Boss, what’s up?”

“It’s Holly. She fainted and she’s not fucking waking up, Doc. We’re in the ER and all these useless fucking assholes aren’t doing a damn thing to help her.”

“Okay, what hospital?”

“The Presbyterian.”

“I’ll be right there. Theo, don’t do anything stupid. I’m sure they’re doing all they can.”

“Yeah, well,all they canisn’t fucking enough,” I yell as I hang up the phone.

“T, what’s wrong?” I spin around, almost afraid I’m completely losing my fucking mind. But lying in the bed, with her bright green eyes wide open while struggling to sit herself up, is Holly. Awake.

“Thank fucking God! Don’t ever fucking do that to me again,” I say as I push her back down. “Don’t get up. Lie still.”

“What? Why? Where am I?” She looks around the room.

“You’re in the hospital. You passed out, Holly. You’ve been out of it for an hour. A whole fucking hour and the fucking idiot doctors couldn’t do a damn thing to wake you up.”

“Mr. Valentino, we need to check her over,” a doctor interjects from behind me.

“T, I’m fine. Look, I’m awake and right here. I’m sorry. I don’t know what happened.”

“It’s not your fault.” I lean down and kiss her forehead. Pivoting on my heel, I give the doctor my iciest glare. “I want every fucking test you can possibly run. I want to know why the fuck she passed out for a fucking hour.” I thought we were in the clear with this fainting nonsense after we got her over her fear of guns.

“Okay, if you’ll give us the room, we can examine her.”

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