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“I can’t. I have Izzy,” she says firmly.

“Angel, I’m well aware you have a daughter. Let’s just get one thing straight right now. When I say that you’re mine, I don’t mean just you. I mean that you and Izzy are both mine now. When I ask to take you home, I’m not asking to take just you home. I’m asking you to let me take you both home.”

I can feel her body tense. I can sense the rebuttal on her tongue before she even utters a word. “I don’t want to confuse her, Neo. I don’t want her to get attached to anyone who’s not going to be around long-term.”

I let her slip free from my arms, watching as she stands. “Are you planning on going somewhere?” I ask.


“You’re assuming I’m not going to be around long-term, so where is it you’re planning on going? Because I can guarantee youI’mnot going anywhere.”

“You can’t promise that. You don’t know who my father is, Neo. You don’t know what he’s capable of. What he’ll do when he thinks….” She pauses. “Oh God, he already knows. He already wants a meeting with you.” She wraps her discarded towel around her body. She’s about to walk out the door when I jump up to stop her.

Every fucking muscle in my body fucking screams at the movement. I tug my pants up as I make my way to the door. For a moment, I forgot about my own injuries. I was so focused on T, and then Angelica, I forgot my body’s been put through the fucking ringer too. “Stop. You can’t walk out there in just a towel. Let me get you some clothes.”

“I can and I will. You’re not the boss of me, Neo.” She stomps her foot.

“No, I’m not. But I’m fucking asking you nicely to not walk out of here in a fucking towel. It’s been a long day and I don’t particularly feel like ripping out anyone’s eyeballs right now.”

Angelica rolls her eyes, but she turns and walks back towards the dresser on the opposite side of the room. Opening the second drawer, she picks up the first shirt she sees and throws it over her head. She lets the towel drop as she folds her arms over her chest, her nipples peeking through the cotton of the shirt. “Happy?” she asks.

“I’d be happier if you’d just come home with me.”

“And I’d be happier if I were living in one of those fairy tales Izzy loves so much. But we all have to return to reality, eventually, Neo. You and me, it’s not a good idea. It’s only going to end up with you under six feet of dirt.”

“You’re scared for me. That’s cute.”

She stiffens as I wrap my arms around her. She doesn’t pull away, though, so I hug her tighter. “You should be scared too. I get it. You think you’re indestructible, but you don’t know him, Neo. You don’t know what my father’ll do.”

“Angel, trust me when I say no one is going to be able to keep me away from you. Not even him.”

“And if he gives you a direct order? You’re a made man. You don’t have a choice,” she reminds me.

Usually, I’d agree with her. A direct order from Al Donatello would be one I’d never defy. He’s the Don of Dons. His word overrules all else. You don’t fuck with him.

“Let me put your mind at ease.” I slide my phone from my pocket and scroll through my contacts. Finding Al’s number, I dial and place the call on speaker phone. Angelica’s eyes widen when she looks at the name on the screen.

“Neo, I thought I’d be hearing from you a lot sooner,” Donatello answers.

“I had shit to do, with the boss being unconscious and all.”

“Theo was unconscious? What the fuck happened? He was standing just fine when I left you.”

“He met the wrong end of a fist. He’s awake and well.”

“You should have called.”

“Should I call every time he takes a shit? Scratches his balls too?” I smirk.

Donatello sighs into the receiver, ignoring my taunts. “I take it Theo is not the child of mine you’re calling about.”

“I thought you’d wanna know that Angelica and Izzy will be staying at my house for the rest of their time in New York.”

“And if I say no?” he counters.

“I’d say: I’d like to see you try to stop me.” There’s silence on the other end. Angelica looks like she’s ready to pass out. She’s literally holding her breath. “Angel, breathe,” I whisper.

“You do know I will personally hold you responsible if anything happens to them. If a single hair is out of place, a single tear shed…”
