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I’m not sure an outing anywhere is a good idea right now. I have no idea what rock Stephen is hiding under, where this Renzo guy is, and who the real threats to my daughter are. Why would anyone be after a little girl? It makes no sense. Women and children have always been off-limits in the wars between families. Or at least they’re meant to be.

“How about I organize a trip? We’ve been cooped up here for days,” Neo asks.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

“Yep. It’s the zoo, Angel. There is no better place for an outing.” He smiles. “What’s your favorite animal, Bel?” Neo returns his attention to Izzy and I continue cooking breakfast.

The two go back and forth about different exhibits they’ll see at the zoo. I watch as I flip the pancakes over. She’s so happy. She’s never had this, a real little family of her own. It’s always been just the two of us. With the help of my father. As much as he loves his granddaughter, Papa’s energy level is no match for an eight-year-old’s. Neo, on the other hand—well, let’s just say that man is not lacking in…energy.

* * *

I left Neo and Izzy in the pool about thirty minutes ago. I was practically the third wheel in their little swimming lesson anyway. The fact he managed to even get her in the water is huge. I’ve been trying for years and she’s refused. It says a lot about how much trust she has in him to keep her safe. How much trustIhave in him. I just hope it’s not misplaced…

What do I really know about the guy? Other than the realization that he can deliver one hell of an orgasm?

I’m going through the files I collated on the Valentino family, looking through every bit of information I can dig up about Renzo. There’s something off about this guy. There are no pictures of his face. I’ve seen images with him in the background. But he’s always looking down, hiding in the shadows or behind others. What is he hiding from?

“What you doing?” Neo’s voice pulls me from my thoughts.

“I’m trying to figure out this Renzo guy.” I don’t tell Neo that I’m also trying to figurehimout. I’m putting a lot of faith in my instincts when it comes to my brother’s underboss. They’ve only led me wrong once, but I was a naive sixteen-year-old girl back then.

“What about him?”

“He joined the family eight years ago, yet I can’t find a single photo that shows his face. Nothing to clue me into his identity. Where did he come from?”

“Not sure. T’s old man brought him in. Said he found him on the streets. We didn’t really concern ourselves with the specifics back then… That was my uncle’s business.”

“Then what were you concerning yourself with?”

He raises an eyebrow. “It’s safer for all the women in New York if I don’t answer that.” He laughs.

“Your ego is bigger than it should be. I’m not the jealous type, Neo,” I lie. The thought of him screwing his way through this city, of him giving away those orgasms to other women… Well, let’s just say it’s bringing out a particular thirst for blood.

“Sure, Angel, not jealous. Got it.” He saunters over and sits in front of me. Removing my laptop from my thighs, he closes the lid and places it on the table. “Let’s look at this later. I’ve got a meeting with your old man, and I’m not leaving you and Izzy here alone.” He glances down at the cover-up I’m wearing on top of my bikini. “I’m going to need you to put some more clothes on.”

I raise an eyebrow at him. He can’t be serious.

“Please,” he adds.

“I don’t think it really matters. There’s not much of a chance when it comes to you walking out of a meeting with my father—not alive anyway.” I smile. I won’t lie. Inside, I’m actually a little afraid for him. But I just have to trust that my father won’t destroy my heart. Won’t destroy Izzy’s heart by hurting Neo. My eyes widen. Shit...

Realization that I am, in fact, in love with this man has just hit me.Hard.

“What’s wrong?” Neo asks.

“Nothing, I think…” I pause. Can I really tell him this? I ponder the question for a moment before I decide that it’s now or never, right? There’s no time like the present. “I think I’m in love with you,” I whisper, like it’s the world’s biggest secret.

“Of course you are, Angel. What’s not to love?” Neo delivers that too-gorgeous smirk, and I roll my eyes in return. “You know, I think I might just be a tad bit in love with you too.”

My stomach flutters. Neo Valentino admitted to being in love with me. “I’d sayobsessedis more fitting.”

“Obsessed? In love? It’s all the same to me.”

Okay, I can do this. I can get a happily ever after with this man. “Let’s get married,” I blurt out.

“Bit late to the party, Angel. I already asked you and you said yes. Actually… youscreamedit.”

“I was coming, Neo. I told you that doesn’t count. And I meannow. Let’s… I don’t know… run off to Vegas or something. And get married right away. If we’re married, my father won’t kill you. Probably.” It’s a reasonable thought process. An even better idea. Family means everything to my father. If Neo is family, there is no way Papa will shoot him.
