Page 39 of A Stronger Impulse

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The intense strain Lizzy had been feeling eased a bit. Although the lady showed no signs of drowsiness, it must take effect eventually.

But after the seventh helping, she began to worry again. Poisoning an earl’s sister was not her goal.

“I am feeling very fatigued. I always wish for a nap at this time of day,” Lizzy announced, yawning as her ladyship reached for an eighth, hoping to encourage any residual fatigue.

Georgiana chimed in. “Do you? I find an afternoon nap most restorative.”

Lady Catherine paused with the sweet on its way to her mouth. “I have always been possessed of energetic spirits. My neighbours often say, ‘You always possess such energy of—’” Her self-congratulatory speech was interrupted by a yawn. She gave her head a small shake. “As I was saying, I am a great believer in…in…greatness…” Her words trailed off into a snore, the cake dropping onto her lap.

For two or three minutes, they all simply stared at her, more than half-expecting that she would quickly waken. But her snores continued—loudly—her chins resting upon her bosom. When a thin line of spittle emerged, Lizzy knew it was time.

“We should move her to her chamber,” Georgiana suggested.

“Will her maid remark upon her unusual slumbering?” Lizzy wondered.

Mrs Taylor smiled for the first time. “I thought of that and sent her on several errands, supposedly at her ladyship’s instruction. She often has me send her out for bits and bobs, and I have noticed the girl is seldom quick to return. When she does, well, there are a few bites left for her, are there not?” She nodded at the plate, where three of the cakes still remained, then hurried to bring James and Frost in to assist her ladyship to her bed.

“How long will she, um, rest, Lizzy?”

Lizzy sighed. “I am unsure. Mama would be out until tomorrow at this time, at least, with half the dosage, but she is much smaller of stature. And of course, she always wished for the sleep this potion brings. Not to mention being less, er, energetic of spirits.”

But all seemed to go smoothly. As James and Mr Frost hoisted up Lady Catherine, her snores roughened and paused, and Georgiana’s expression grew tense; however, soon she was safely ensconced in her chamber. Donavan arrived a few hours later, but accepted ‘Lady Catherine’s’ directive to attend to his worship rather than his patient and departed without even asking how Mr Darcy fared.

“What will we do when Stimple returns tomorrow?”

Georgiana and Lizzy were sitting in the sickroom, both keeping watch. James was standing by in case he was needed—though he had had very little sleep the night before.

“I would tell him he has been dismissed,” Lizzy replied darkly. “I suppose he applied those bruises.”

“I would put him in that contraption he trussed Mr Darcy in,” James muttered from just beyond the door. “And poke him like he did Mr Darcy.”

They both gave startled laughs, but their smiles soon vanished. Watching the unconscious man, there was very little humour to find.

* * *

Lizzy awakened to pitch-black, wondering the time. How long had she slept? Georgiana had insisted upon staying with Mr Darcy, agreeing to waken Lizzy for a shift at midnight, and there was no one to deny her. Was he feverish? Was he in mortal danger? Would Lady Catherine awaken soon? How long could they keep her from interfering?

So many questions with no answers!The clock chimed twelve counts—but there was no sign of her friend. Which meant, probably, that Georgiana had fallen to sleep, and no one waited upon Mr Darcy.

She lit a candle, pulled on an old gown and slippers, and hurried out of her room and up the stairs. James was no longer at his chair but asleep on the floor beside the nursery door; she could hardly blame him, so little rest as the poor man had been given.

Quietly, she opened the door, not wanting to disturb him, and slipped inside the dim room. She did not immediately see her friend, however, and held the candlestick up a little higher to cast the light around the room.

Georgiana lay upon Mr Darcy’s bed, sound asleep upon his pillow. There was no sign of her brother. Suddenly, Lizzy was thrust against someone in the darkness, a hand clapping over her mouth, another wrenching the candlestick away.
