Page 101 of There Is No Love

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Iwatchedherwalk out, stubborn as hell. I’m lying in a damn hospital bed, and she still won't just open up to me. I reached over, flipping the table on its side. “Fuck.” I laid my head back wincing at the throbbing pain on my side.

“What happened here?” A nurse walked in, setting a tray down on the foot of the bed. She bent over to pick up my mess.

“Sorry. I accidentally knocked it over.”

“Accidentally huh? Now, Mr. Rossi, these tables don't flip very easily, and you straining yourself is not good right now. You’ll rip your stitches and make your breaks worse.”

I took a deep breath and nodded. “Yeah.”

She walked over, looking at my arms and chest. “Take it easy, understand? Can I get anything for you?”


“The doctor wants to get your results back first, no food just in case you need surgery. But I can check if you can have some ice chips.”

I nodded and sighed, “fine."

She washed her hands then walked back over, putting gloves on, and unwrapped an alcohol swab. “I am going to take that urine sample.” She did what she needed to, collecting it into a cup. “All done.”

“Good, that was weird.”

“Yeah sorry, those Caths aren't the most comfortable."

“It’s fine.”

She cleaned up. “If you need anything just click the call button.”

“I will.”

“She never left you know?”


“Your wife. Once the doctor gave the okay, she hasn't left your side until now. I tried to tell her to eat but I think she had maybe taken three bites of food the entire time. I even told her I would sit with you long enough for her to have a shower or go check on your other friend here. But she refused. Said she wanted to be here when you woke up. She must be a pretty devoted wife and love you a lot.”

I looked at her and smiled. “Thanks.”

She gave me a wink. “You’re welcome.”

I looked out the window and smiled. For now, that was enough. Knowing she wouldn't leave my side was all the information I needed. She could lie all she wanted, but somewhere inside there, she cared about me.

The nurse came back a little bit later and brought me a cup of ice chips. I sucked on them and scrolled through the TV waiting for Alora to come back. The door opened, and mom and Arturo walked in. Mom started crying and ran over. “Mom. I’m all right, don't cry.”

“We thought we lost you for a little bit there.” She squeezed my hand.

“Nah, I’m too stubborn to die at the hands of a Volante.” I laughed and quickly regretted it. “Okay, rule number one, no making me laugh.”

Arturo shook his head. “How are you feeling?”

I looked at him and nodded. “Alright. Fill me in, what's going on? What does Stefano have to say about all this?”

“Nothing, we have no idea where he is. He left yesterday, we haven't heard from him, and no one will tell me where he is. People are panicking, Word has spread about what happened and Gianni says they are moving everything. Alora filled me in, it looks like,”

“I don't want to hear about all this.” Mom shook her head. “I hate it.”

“Mom, it's alright, we’ll talk about it later.” I grabbed her hand.
