Page 106 of There Is No Love

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“Are you alright?”

I walked over to the window, staring out, shaking my head. “Some of them are so young. This one girl she’s ten, she’s just a baby.”

“Dammit, I wish I could have been there. I’m sorry I wasn't there.”

“It’s fine, listen I have to go.”

“The doctor just walked in anyways. Keep me posted.”

“Wait, put me on speaker. I want to hear what the Doctor says.”

“I thought you had to go.” I can hear the smile on his face through the phone.

“Just put it on speaker.”

He laughed. “Hey Doc, my wife is listening on the phone.”

“Oh good. She needs to hear this too.” I heard the doctor say. “I have good news, the blood in your urine has improved significantly in the last twenty-four hours. So, I am going to discharge you. But you have to take it easy. Your ribs, your eye, and your kidney need time to heal. I want you in bed most of the day, or at least sitting. You can get up to use the bathroom, eat, and give your legs a little stretch but if you don't take it easy you will only make things worse. Three weeks Luka, do you hear me? Three weeks of rest, then I want you to come back in and see me.”

“I hear you, Doc,” Luka replied.

“Mmmhmm. I know you son. Mrs. Rossi I am counting on you to make him rest. You are now his babysitter for the next 3 weeks. I don't want you to leave his side. Watch for concussion symptoms to get worse and watch his movements to see if he's getting better or worse. And this is gross but keep an eye for blood in his urine. Luka has a habit of downplaying what's going on and pushing too hard too fast.”

“Sure, I got it, Doctor,” I replied.

“I will get your discharge paperwork ready. Alora, if you want to head back to the hospital, he will be ready to leave soon.”

“Uh yeah. I will get up there as soon as I can.”

“I will have a nurse come in and get you all unlocked, un-prodded, and unplugged.” I heard the doctor laugh.

“Thanks, Doc.”

“I can call one of the men to come get me, take me to the house. I don't need you to babysit me twenty-four seven.”

“Uh no. I told the Doctor I would take care of you so I will. I will wrap things up here and come get you.”

“Don’t come alone.”

“I can handle myself.”

“Holy shit Alora, please just bring one of the men with you. You’re in Stefano’s city and after you shot Gabriele, for once just,”

“Fine, I’ll bring one of the men.”

“See you soon. I love,”

“Bye.” I sighed and hung up, walking back into the room and over to Arturo. “They are releasing Luka; the doctor says I have to babysit him for the next 3 weeks. I need to head up there and get him. Can you handle this all without me?”

Arturo nodded. “Yes, I got a guy on the police force we can trust coming and he’s bringing CPS as well. I’ve sent pictures, a couple of girls' parents have been notified and they’ll be meeting at the station to pick them up.”

“We will go to the safe house, probably the best place for him to lay low for now. If you need anything, call me.”

He nodded. I walked and found Elena. “I have to go.” I pulled her into a hug. “I wish I could stay but my husband is being released from the hospital, and I have to go get him.”


I looked at her smiling and shaking my head. “Yeah, Luka Rossi.”
