Page 108 of There Is No Love

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“Areyoucomfortable?”Alora asked as she sat on the edge of the bed reading over the discharge papers and looking over the meds, we picked up on the way home.

“I’m good. There is nothing on that paper Doc didn't tell you when you were on the phone.”

“I’m just being thorough; I don't want to miss anything you should be doing.”

“Okay,” I grabbed the paper from her hand, “worry about that later. Tell me how you’re doing. How is Elena? How are you handling all of this? I know it's hard seeing all those girls like that.”

“I’m fine.”

“No, you’re not. I could hear how upset you were on the phone.”

“I just don’t understand the type of evil it takes to hurt little girls like that. There was this girl Cammy, she looked so terrified. I have never seen a little girl look so broken in my life. She wouldn't leave my side until Elena came to take her to get checked out.” Her hands fisted, gripping the blanket. “I want to make them pay, I want to make him pay, I want to make them all pay.”

“We will.” I reached over and grabbed her wrist.

She looked down at my hand, taking a deep breath. “We have to help more, there were so many girls. Six trucks of girls, this one only had fifteen. It was the last, but the other trucks had so many girls crammed in.”

“We will help as many as we can.”

She nodded and stood up. “We need groceries there is seriously nothing in this house and you need to eat.”

“Just give a list of what you want to Dante. He’ll pick up whatever.”

“I’ll make him a list. I’ll see if I can find you something to eat in the meantime. I’ll be right back.”

“I’m good I ate a little just before you got to the hospital.”

“I’ll go get water.”

She turned and walked from the room. I laughed and grabbed my phone, calling Arturo.

“Hey, are you home?"

“Yeah, Alora filled me in. What's going on now?”

“Roger came and brought CPS. They took the young girls; some have parents that have been looking for them. The rest of them are trying to figure out where they came from. It’s going to be a process. We’re getting the women set up in shelters and homes. How’s Alora?”

“She seems pretty shook up. She told me specifically about a little girl named Cammy. Have you heard what her story is?”

“No, but Roger said he will keep me in the loop about where they all end up.”

“Are you coming back here?”

“Eventually. Elena doesn’t want to leave the girls until they have found somewhere for all of them. And something is going on with her and Marco. She ran to him when we found her. But as soon as everything is settled, we’ll head there.”

“Alright,” I winced while adjusting on the bed, “I hate being stuck in bed and not able to help.”

“We got this, nothing really to do right now anyway. You can check in with Gianni, and see if he’s hearing anything new.”

“Talk later.” I hung up and dialed Gianni.

“Cousin. How are you? Arturo told me you took one hell of a beating.”

“I’m alright, home now. Nothing I can't handle. They got Elena and fifteen other girls. Figured I’d call and see what you’re hearing.”

“Gabriele and Stefano are both scrambling. Gabriele is wearing his arm in a sling, so it looks like that shot didn't do any major damage. But it’s not a good man. Someone attacked Vincenzo’s vehicle, his wife was shot, and he’s pissed. It was your guys, well Stefano’s guys. Retaliation is coming. Word is they were partners and Stefano cut him out, moving some of his girls without looping him in. A bunch of Vincenzo’s guys got taken out. The buzz of them going in and getting the girls out is not good either. Gabriele is calling in for backup, blaming Stefano as well.”
