Page 112 of There Is No Love

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He stepped in next to me, letting the elevator door close. I watched the worried looks on their faces as they disappeared behind the door. I looked up watching the numbers climb down as we made our way to the first floor. I could feel Luka fuming beside me, the tension between us thick.

The elevator door opened, and Marco stood there out of breath. “I’m going with you.”

“Did you run down the stairs?”

He nodded. “I didn't want to miss you guys.”

We followed Luka to the car. He put the bags in the backseat and got into the driver's seat. “The helicopter is being fueled now.” He started the car and pulled out. I turned around and looked at Marco, he gave me a smile and a nod. I turned and watched the city fly by us as we made our way towards the Airport.

We stood at the edge of the woods, looking at the house all lit up. This was happening. My heart was racing, my mind was reeling. Was he finally going to be out of my life for good?

“No guns unless necessary.” Luka grabbed my arm. I looked up at him and nodded. “Are you scared?”

“No.” My voice was shaking. I wasn’t scared, I knew I should be. I knew better than most Monsters existed, and we were heading into the Devil's lair. But for me, monsters didn't exist in my head. They weren't creatures under the bed or hiding in closets. They walked around daily and sat across from me at breakfast. In my life monsters were real. And tonight, I was taking out the one who haunted me the most. Tonight, The Devil would meet his maker. I looked at Marco. “You keep watch at the back entrance.” Marco gave me a nod and we were off.

We snuck up around the back of the house and through the back entrance. The house was quiet, I knew where the guards would be stationed. We made our way through the house, up to his room. I put my ear to his door, I heard nothing. I looked at Luka, and he nodded. I turned the knob and quietly made my way in. I walked over to the bed; he was gone. I looked to the bathroom, but nothing. “He’s not here,” I whispered.

“Did you think it would be that easy? That I would just be laying in bed ready for you to take me out?” Gabriele walked in the door. “I knew you would come; knew you wouldn't be able to stay away.” He stood in the doorway, Michael by his side guns pointed at us. “Ah, Ah, Ah.” He said looking at Luka, shaking his finger back and forth. “You move an inch and I will shoot her.” He turned back to me, “right between the eyes she got from her father.”

“Alright, alright calm down.” Luka put his gun down, and his hands up in the air. “Let's talk about this like civilized people.”

“You took everything from me.” I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. “You took my mom, you took Max, you took Elena, then you tried to take Luka and Marco from me. I hate you.”

“Oh sweetheart, the feeling is mutual. I have hated you since the moment I found out you were my niece and not my daughter. I was going to kill you right along with your mother, and pay off the coroner for your death as well. But for some reason, I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Instead, I decided I would raise you as my own, and teach you a hard lesson about love. And the pain it can cause. I thought the day I shot your dog it would finally sink in; you’d finally get it. But you just don’t. I was sure making you marry a ruthless man like Luka would send you over the edge, a man like his father, but no. He had to come rolling in like some Knight in shining armor to protect you. Now I will do what I should have done twenty years ago. You can be with your whore of a mother, in the afterlife.”

“Wait!” Michael stepped forward. “You said if we got Luka out of the way I could have her.”

“Well, I lied.” He spun, gun back on me. Then I saw an arm wrap around his neck. Marco pulled him into a tight choke hold, grabbing for his gun. Luka lunged at Michael knocking him to the ground. The two of them were fighting for dominance.

I pulled my knife and walked toward Gabriele. I fell crashing to the ground, Michael pulling me down. I kicked him in the face, and Luka drove a knife through his chest.

I stood up facing Gabriele. He looked at me and laughed. I got right in his face, stabbing him in the stomach. “This is for my mother.” I stabbed him again, “this is for Max.” I stabbed again, “this is for all those girls and women.” He looked at me, an evil grin still on his face. ”And this is for me.” I stabbed him in the heart leaving the knife in, I stepped back.

Marco let him go, he dropped to his knees. “No one will ever love you, Alora.” He coughed. “There is no love in this world, in the end, everyone betrays you.”

I shook my head and knelt beside him. I grabbed the knife and twisted it, he yelped in pain, the smirk finally leaving his face. “Rot in hell.” I pulled the knife out and walked out. I made my way down the stairs Marco and Luka flanking me on both sides. A couple of men rushed to the bottom; guns were drawn. “The Devil is dead. I killed him.”

The two men looked at me, at Marco, then at each other. They weren't sure what to do. “Move!” I snapped, pushing my way through them, and walking to the front door. Marco stopped, talking to the men as I walked out the front door and took a deep breath in, the knife shaking in my hand uncontrollably.

Luka walked up next to me. “You good?”

I looked up at him and shook my head. I felt a tear start to roll down my cheek. He reached up to wipe it and I collapsed into him. He quickly picked me up and carried me to one of the SUVs parked out front. “Are you hurt? Did you get hurt? MARCO!” Marco ran over and looked down at me. “Let’s get her out of here.”

“Okay,” Marco turned, yelling something back at the men I couldn't hear.

Luka climbed into the back of the SUV. He laid me on the seat next to him. “Are you hurt? Dammit Alora, talk to me.”

“I’m just so tired.” I laid down on his lap, closing my eyes and everything went black.

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